Yarr The Pirate!

Making a character
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Author:  Metalmilitia [ Sat Jun 23, 2007 6:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

You all suck

Author:  Balidorn [ Sun Jun 24, 2007 4:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Nesso wrote:
I'll always be in your hearts. Just remember that, and you will have an amazing life instead of just an amazing day!

I totally turned myself on by typing that...

Balidorn wrote:
Actually a well geared and played prot pally is an extremely efficient off tank and makes for really easy burst dps on trash mobs since they can generate a hell of a lot of threat quick as shit. Although, good prot paladins are 1 in a million and most guilds will look to them to be healers 99% of the time. :? other than that.... pretty much hit everything right on the button.

Oh for sure, good prot paladins are great OTs, the only thing that holds them back from being MTs is the fact that they innately have around 1.2-1.5k less hp than warriors =(

Although I don't play a prot pally and honestly don't care to pick up anything other than my hunter atm, I agree completely with you Nesso and would take it a step further in saying that they have less survivability cooldowns than a war from my vantage point. Such is the give and take for balance in the game. Superior threat generation must have a hefty price on it.

Author:  Yarr [ Sun Jun 24, 2007 5:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Metalmilitia wrote:
You all suck

You might like WoW mm lol.

I like wow because it feels like a single player MMO. I can play WoW with out the help of anyone. At least direct help from anyone. Its nice to log in and do some stuff for half an hour and log out. Trying to just log in an solo xp for half an hour in FFXI was impossible.

Author:  Balidorn [ Sun Jun 24, 2007 12:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

lol very true yarr. even endgame it's nice to be able to log in for 30-1hr and just pvp or farm or whatever.... and still feel like you accomplished something for the day. Just don't get that in ffxi.

Author:  Navyr [ Sun Jun 24, 2007 3:00 pm ]
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Thats exactly why i like WoW i can login on my day off, solo a level or half and log out, the only time consuming thing is instances and im 66 druid and well i just grind when i want to really, no need to do anything i dont want to.

Author:  Jimbean [ Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

so basically you guys just aren't hardcore enough?

Author:  Eternus [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Jimbean wrote:
so basically you guys just aren't hardcore enough?

Yeah not hardcore enough to waste time playing a steaming pile of crap. Everything in FFXI takes way too fucking long to do. I enjoyed playing the game sometimes, but you don't even play FFXI when you are logged in sometimes. I don't like my having fun or not depending on other people playing. At least in WoW you can have fun anytime you log in, you can fucking solo. FFXI became more and more of a fancy chatroom to me, with very little substance other than the community. That being said I don't play WoW anymore either and probably don't have the time to play Lineage II. MMOs are a fucking joke that waste both money and time.

Author:  Yarr [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah most of the time I would log into FFXI it was like logging into a chat room. Id sit for hours with nothing to do but talk to people because there was nothing else i could do

Im not saying WoW is a better game, Im saying wow is better for single player. I think group xping in FFXI is a lot more fun than solo xping. Its just that you cant just form a group within minutes of logging in.

Author:  Yurichan [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 2:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Eternus wrote:
Jimbean wrote:
so basically you guys just aren't hardcore enough?

Yeah not hardcore enough to waste time playing a steaming pile of crap. Everything in FFXI takes way too fucking long to do. I enjoyed playing the game sometimes, but you don't even play FFXI when you are logged in sometimes. I don't like my having fun or not depending on other people playing. At least in WoW you can have fun anytime you log in, you can fucking solo. FFXI became more and more of a fancy chatroom to me, with very little substance other than the community. That being said I don't play WoW anymore either and probably don't have the time to play Lineage II. MMOs are a fucking joke that waste both money and time.

and yet it seems that you play a lot of them even though you know its a waste of money and time. you're an angry person aren't you?

Author:  Eternus [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 2:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hell yeah I am an angry person lol. Took you long to figure that out?

I haven't played an MMO in a week to be honest. I don't pay for the Lineage II account that I was playing on last week (only playing to placate one of my RL friends). I am happy that I cancelled both WoW and FFXI last month. Hopefully I never touch either game again. MMOs are a plague upon humanity.

Author:  Remey [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 2:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Eternus is the type of dood that will shoot everyone inside his local McDonalds because his hamburger didn't look like the one in the picture. That's the type of anger he has.

Author:  Balidorn [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Remey wrote:
Eternus is the type of dood that will shoot everyone inside his local McDonalds because his hamburger didn't look like the one in the picture. That's the type of anger he has.

lol... RL buddy of mine is almost like that too lol....

And Beaner WoW is just as hardcore as FFxi... it's just a different style of hardcore. Just imagine dynamis 4 times a week instead of 2. Never have to worry about farming god damn mobs that pop once every 21-24 hours.... Everything is all scheduled and starts/ends at the same time. And drops are guaranteed when you go into an instance in WoW so the guild is going to atleast get something for the time spent. FFxi, you gotta pray to god that something atleast drops.

Honestly, you can accomplish a lot more in WoW in 3 hours worth of time than you ever could in ffxi. As much as I enjoyed ffxi, it just can't compete :?

Author:  goDeejay [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Eternus wrote:
Hell yeah I am an angry person lol. Took you long to figure that out?

I haven't played an MMO in a week to be honest. I don't pay for the Lineage II account that I was playing on last week (only playing to placate one of my RL friends). I am happy that I cancelled both WoW and FFXI last month. Hopefully I never touch either game again. MMOs are a plague upon humanity.

Perhaps you should learn to play in moderation? I mean sure, FFXI+WoW are pretty big time sinks, but in the end isnt that what all games are?

Author:  Shadowstalker [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 6:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ponuh wrote:
Lock is fun but it went from least played post-release to flavor of the year

I didn't know it was flavor of the year when I chose it. I started playing because I wanted to be a caster and it seemed a little bit more intricate and difficult than a mage, and I didn't feel like healing (didn't know about shadow priest)

Author:  Metalmilitia [ Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:02 am ]
Post subject: 

no more MMOs for me I think, no time really. Almost picked up LoTR, but then I changed my mind when I started thinking about how long it might take to get to end game and actually start "playing". I put the game down and picked up Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind. Turns out its a pretty good read lol.

Author:  Arrowyn [ Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Good for you MM =) WoW is definately my last MMO ever. I just thought I'd play it because my bro already bought it and I have a lot of free time right now, plus I don't think I'll ever have the time/desire to play a MMO in the future. My last chance I suppose

Seriously tho... WoW is the best online game you could ask for (besides the fact that quest after quest after quest is starting to get on my nerves already, and I'm sick of being annihilated by lvl ??'s at least 5 times a day). You can actually get something done in 1 hour... I had good times playing FFXI but a lot of the hours I put in were a waste of time. You can't get far in FFXI by playing in moderation.

Author:  Arrowyn [ Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Shadowstalker wrote:
Ponuh wrote:
Lock is fun but it went from least played post-release to flavor of the year

I didn't know it was flavor of the year when I chose it. I started playing because I wanted to be a caster and it seemed a little bit more intricate and difficult than a mage, and I didn't feel like healing (didn't know about shadow priest)

When I look around, I do feel like everryyonnneee is a warlock... or atleast a lot of people =p... kind of a bummer but I guess there's a lot of everything.

Author:  Galindar [ Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:55 am ]
Post subject: 

I might pick up Lotr online when it drops in price. Looks pretty decent. Can anyone that plays it let me know how well you can do solo? Not looking for a game like FFXI, but more of an online solo game to mess around with once and a while. MM, if I get it, gonna make you buy it also cause I miss you(/cry).

Author:  Macabre [ Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Galindar wrote:
I might pick up Lotr online when it drops in price. Looks pretty decent. Can anyone that plays it let me know how well you can do solo? Not looking for a game like FFXI, but more of an online solo game to mess around with once and a while. MM, if I get it, gonna make you buy it also cause I miss you(/cry).

There is a lot of soloing in this game, but there is also a lot of group work in the game too. What I love about the game is the Epic quest line, where you are sort of following the fellowship, but on the side, and you are sort of helping them on your way. So far in the game I have met Gandalf and Aragon.

Classes are your run of the mill, you have a minstrel which is your healer, Guardian which is your tank. Lore Master which is like....well they can summon a bear and a raven to fight along w/ them, and can do a few other nifty things. Champion which is a pure dps class in heavy armor (also one of the few classes that actually has AoE moves), Buglar which is pretty much a rogue or thief, a hunter which is a range attack class and Captain, which is semi healer, some dps, buffer and uses a summoned person to help buff and sort of heal.

Overall the classes are still alittle broke imo, and still need a little reworking. I might go back to the game in a few months down the road but for now, I have stopped playing due to the broken classes. Some are over powered some need a lot of work.

The PvP system is kind of neat where you fight other PCs but they control mosnters. They do have a ranking system in place.

There are a few instances, and from the ones that I did do, they were pretty touch and did require certain jobs before you could even attempt them.

The crafting is what I thought was the best part of the game, it was fairly easy and they did put a HQ system into it.

Money making is fairly easy in the game also.

Author:  LLewelyn [ Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, I tried WoW a few months ago whilst my FFXI break. I had so much more free time and regained some aspects of my social life.

I always enjoy crafting and tradeskills and this game's system was effortless. I don't remember seeing high quality crafted items but I made so many things for my guild mates and did not lose ingredient/material. NOT one... that's right not losing shining cloths even though she is way above the cap level. At the same time, I was also able to cap my cooking and first aid trade skills.

In 2 months or so, I got my blood elf mage to 66. It was mostly soloing, questing and joining random instances here and there. Had fun but even that was transitory. I quit again primarily because I disliked my endgame guilds. The game was also somewhat overall less challenging with the exception of the raids which had less tedium than FFXI.

However, I eventually returned to FFXI because I'm pathetic. :roll:

Author:  Metalmilitia [ Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:22 pm ]
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If Galindar get LoTR...I will get LoTR

Author:  Remey [ Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:42 pm ]
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That would be kind of funny to see MM and Gal chatting in LotR about MM's 9 inch cock using RP talk. :p

Author:  Metalmilitia [ Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

You keep bringing up the size of my cock...are you obsessed?

Author:  Jimbean [ Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:57 pm ]
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oh i was just making fun of arthars when i said people weren't being hardcore enough

Author:  Eternus [ Thu Jun 28, 2007 3:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Metalmilitia wrote:
You keep bringing up the size of my cock...are you obsessed?

That is all you would talk about in FFXI is the size of your weiner. Doing the helicopter and shit.

Yeah I figured you were referring to Arthars Jim, and he was referring to camping kings when he was talking about being "hardcore". Well KFC was hardcore about camping kings 24/7, but is that a worthwhile pursuit?

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