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 Post subject: Guild Dogma's Onyxia Fight(s)
PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:18 pm 
The legend. Teh Ponuh™
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This is a firsthand account of what raiding in WoW is like. I know Yarr said something about a bumrush raiding system in WoW, don't know where he got that info, but this is a firsthand account...

Raid Report, Onyxia

Here's a little text that should help people get more familiar with the raiding environment in wow. First of all, it should be noted that Onyxia is a smaller raid dungeon. You need to kill 3-4 monsters, and you're already facing her.

The way we setup our raid group was by putting the main tank in a group with 2 healers, 1 paladin, and 1 warlock. 1 paladin for fire resistance, 1 warlock for hp buff from pet. We had a secondary tank, with pretty much the same setup. The rest of the raid, we basically spread out the paladins (for fire resistance aura), the healers, and warlocks.

A few things about raids you should know before starting can be found by reading ***this article. Basically talks about communication. Tonight's raids (we tried Onyxia around...10+ times or so) started off looking very good. We had our regulars with us, the core people, who had been raiding non-stop, and knew exactly what to do, and when to do it. The ones who were less familiar with things, knew to ask, and be alert. As it got later into the night, more and more people had to leave, which left us to bringing in less experienced raiders. Now usually that's not a problem, but the fact is, we had pretty much mastered the strategy to get Onyxia down to 65% (we had done it twice with our core group, and 3 times in total), so when you're bringing in new people, you have to teach them everything you know, and that trial and error. The result of that is, the raids gradually become worse. Some would argue with me when I told them to stop using /raid to ask for buffs by saying 'Well, what's the point of /raid if we can't even use it?'. To me, that's like asking why a priest is able to melee with his staff...he won't use it unless he really needs to. The same thing applies to /raid. Keep the channel clear, ask for buffs in tells, and don't joke around in it. Or else the important strategy gets bumped off the screen, and people don't know what's going on.

Ok, so now on to the strategy. Before you get to Onyxia herself, you need to fight the "Onyxian Warders". Those are level 61-63 elites, very tough to kill at first. The trick is to have your main tank engage it to build up aggro(far from the raid), while healers only apply lesser heals. After about 1-3% damage to the warder, the main tank will call in casters to start nuking. After a bit more time, the main tank will call on the melees to join in. During this battle, keeping everyone alive shouldn't be so hard if you spread the healing over the raid group. If you're a warrior, don't try to steal aggro from the main tank. If you're a rogue, don't expect to be healed immediately, if you get hit hard, then run out of the fight ASAP, and wait to be healed. The main tanks are priority. All casters should keep their distance from main tank, the Warders' aoe is a one hitter on any cloth-wearer. That's the easier part, you get the hang of it very quickly.

Now the hard part. Our best so far, has been getting her down to %63, and the times we get her to fly, were only with our premium groups. Basically, we had one tank run in, and keep her facing the northern wall, while paladins would heal the main tank. 30 seconds into the fight, backup tank would go in, and build his aggro. Remember, at this point, no one in the raid is touching Onyxia! You're all standing around watching, till told to do otherwise. The way the raid should be positioned is, main tank against the northern wall, with Onyxia hitting him, all casters/melee's standing on her sides. Don't ever go into the egg hatcheries on the sides, or else it'll spawn a lot of whelps(no, there's no quest there). The way we split the groups are, 'odd numbered' groups go on Onyxia's left, and 'even numbered' groups, go on her right side. If Onyxia turns to a side, you must rotate with her, in order to avoid her cone attack (flame breath).

After both tanks get her down to about 98% hp (use cosmos Monitor Status to see), main tank should call on casters. The best thing for them to do would be to use frost spells or arcane line. What our casters did was, "Cast Nuke 1", wait 10 seconds..."Cast Nuke 2", etc... If you keep nuking with no delay between nukes, you'll steal aggro, onyxia will turn to your group, and ignite everyone into oblivion. The results of that are grave, because that means you lose a bunch of healers, screw up the healing rotation, by causing the few priests left there to take more aggro, and regen less mana. After a while, the main tank will tell all the casters to "stop". Usually, after about 5-8% damage, he'll tell casters to stop nuking, let caster aggro fade, and allow him to build up more. That's basically the casters role.

Healers should create their own channel, setup a healing rotation. The way we did it (which worked well I might add), was split all the priests/druids into pairs of 2, give each pair a number, and have them heal the main tank till their mana pool went down to 50%. So say, you have 10 healers, you create 5 pairs. Pair 1 goes in to heal the main tank, keep him alive, etc...Once their mana pool goes down to 55%, they call on group 2, who's doing nothing, to come in and take over the healing rotation. Then group 1 goes back, and regenerates their mana, while group 2 takes care of healing the main tank.

Melee will need to assign a main tank, 2ndary tank, and 3rd tank. Main tank will run in first, aggro Onyxia, use some sort of shield to stay alive for the first few seconds, and take her to the northern wall. Main tank will be getting tossed around like a doll, so he needs to stay against the wall. Also, main tank should use up as much rage as possible, to gain aggro, he'll also need lots of fire resist (our main tanks had maxed fire resist). Remember, when your main tank is going in, don't cast renew/shield on him! That'll give the priest who did that aggro, and probbaly send him to an early death. Melee's will usually be called into battle "after" the casters start their nuking. They shouldn't use too many special abilities, especially rogues! You guys can steal aggro from main tank in a snap! If you do that, the entire raid is GG. Another good idea, is to have all the melees use ranged weapons against her. That way, they don't do too much damage, and aren't in range to get tossed by her. Melee's will have to watch out in case they get thrown into the eggs. Should that happen, casters should stop their nuking, and come in to help with Aoe.

Once she takes off into the air, you'll probably want to take care of any whelps that spawn, then move towards the sides of the wall. No melee works when she's in the air, you will need to use guns/knives. Paladins, I guess they can start healing. We haven't gotten too far after she took off. So, this is it for this guide. I hope it helps, and let's see if euro/korea can beat her soon...Try and get your casters some fire resist + fire protection potions. It can save those priests from those one-hitters. Also, should anyone die during the raid, they should do the corpse run back to Onyxia. Hopefully, there will be no respawns, and they can make it back. Or else, keep a druid with combat rez, and have him resurrect a priest, who can then resurrect all the others (since he'll be out of combat).

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