Yarr The Pirate!

Marvel Confirms `Iron Man 2' and more
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Author:  Pantherxx [ Mon May 05, 2008 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Marvel Confirms `Iron Man 2' and more

LOS ANGELES (AP) — This weekend was just the beginning of Hollywood's Iron age.

Marvel Studios announced Monday it will release "Iron Man 2" on April 30, 2010, following the success of the first in the comic-book franchise, which pulled in $104.2 million domestically since opening last Thursday and $201 million worldwide.

Four other films based on Marvel superheroes also were announced:
Thor - June 4, 2010
The First Avenger: Captain America - May 6, 2011
The Avengers - July 2011
Ant-Man - In Development

Marvel also has "The Incredible Hulk," starring Edward Norton, coming out this June 13 from Universal Studios.

Just as Downey's character, Tony Stark, makes an appearance in next month's "The Incredible Hulk," the Hulk could turn up in "Iron Man 2," Marvel Studios Chairman David Maisel said during a conference call to discuss the company's earnings. And "The Avengers" consists of a rotating roster of Marvel heroes — including original members Iron Man, the Hulk, Ant-Man and Thor — that could see the return of virtually any of the franchise's characters.

"In controlling our destiny, we can control where the characters are and we can have our movies connect and be in the same universe," Maisel said.

"Iron Man" was the first film financed by Marvel, which previously licensed its superheroes to Hollywood studios for such hits as the "Spider-Man," "X-men" and "Fantastic Four" flicks.

Seeking more creative control and a bigger cut of the receipts, Marvel plans to make future films itself and hire studios to distribute them for a fee.

Starring Robert Downey Jr. as a billionaire weapons designer who builds himself a high-tech metal suit to fight bad guys, "Iron Man" exceeded box-office expectations, coming in second only to the first "Spider-Man" for debuts among non-sequels.


awesome! =D> \:D/

Author:  Yarr [ Mon May 05, 2008 4:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tal told me about the Stark cameo in Hulk and I thought it was awesome.

Marvel would be smart to try and make a movie universe in the way the comics have a comic universe. I would also like to see Marvel casting more unknown actors to play the parts. That way its easier to make an Avengers movie with all the same starts from each solo movie.

A captain america movie could be awesome if they make the first movie a flash back to WWII. If they do a flashback and introduce us to a 1940s Steve Rogers and then we see him transformed unto Captain America thanks to the Super Soilder Serum (and they better show the Serum was lost and impossible to replicate).
They could do a pretty kick ass superhero war movie if they did it just right. It would be awesome to see the movie steal a little from Ultimate Captain America. In the ultimate captain america comics Steve Rogers saves his pal Bucky (and pretty much all of the world) and the sucsess of his mission, but only at the cost of his life. Cap is blown up on a missle high in the upper atmosphere and is considered dead. He pretty much is credited for saving the world vs the nazis, but no one knows what happened to his body.
Then the Avengers movie could start out with some Artic fishing boat stumbling upon his body frozen into the artic ice (his icy tomb is now revealed due to global warming).

It would be a perfect setup for the Avengers (perfect because they did this setup for The Ultimates and it was really well done) movie. Considering the Avengers movie comes out so close to the time Caps movie comes out I think it would be perfect.

Where the hell is Rein, I want to know what he thinks.

Author:  Ponuh [ Mon May 05, 2008 4:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

The avengers is gay as hell. Iron Man was really good but the first two hours were almost ruined by the last 20 seconds. If you've seen it through the credits you should know what I mean. You'll probably disagree with me but if you do you're a fuck anyways

Author:  Viviti [ Mon May 05, 2008 5:30 pm ]
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Samuel L Jackson is NICK FUCKING FURY.

Author:  Ponuh [ Mon May 05, 2008 6:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

you suck, you suck dicks, samuel l jackson sucks dicks comic books suck dick and nick fury is a stupid name and he wears an eyepatch ok???????

Author:  Viviti [ Mon May 05, 2008 7:04 pm ]
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Author:  Ponuh [ Mon May 05, 2008 7:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

i cant watch him in anything because i get so angry he didnt win an oscar for mace windu

Author:  Kluya [ Mon May 05, 2008 8:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Iron Man was so fucking rad. I missed the part after the credits :(

Author:  Reinheld [ Mon May 05, 2008 9:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

I enjoyed Iron Man a great deal. I wasn't really too excited with the Nick Fury thing because it felt so thrown together at the last minute and it just didn't seem natural, lacking a lot of the energy the rest of the movie had. But here's a list of all the upcoming Marvel films and animated movies. The Avengers could work well if they have a really good cast but I don't have faith that they will. I really just want to see Deadpool and Gambit in the Wolverine movie though. Haha.
  • Ant-Man (2010)
  • Nick Fury (2010)
  • X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
  • The Avengers (2009)
  • Captain America (2009)
  • The Hands of Shang-Chi (2009)
  • Silver Surfer (2009)
  • Spider-Man 4 (2009)
  • Luke Cage (2009)
  • Thor (2009)
  • X-Men Origins: Magneto (2009)
  • Punisher: War Zone (2008)
  • The Incredible Hulk (2008)
  • Iron Fist (2008)

Author:  Eternus [ Tue May 06, 2008 12:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Still have not watched Iron Man. I will get around to it eventually. It will be difficult as hell to make a decent Avengers movie. LOL at a Silver Surfer movie. I find it funny they are making another Punisher movie too. Captain America has to be better than their last attempt.

Author:  Mikey [ Tue May 06, 2008 4:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Im not taking the whole ant man seriously. What the shit is that about lol. How the fuck will they even keep a serious tone in a the trailer.



(chime in epic ff3/6jp music intro song)
ANT MAN!!!!!!!

Author:  Reinheld [ Wed May 07, 2008 11:56 am ]
Post subject: 

Ant-Man will probably be a lot like Ghost Rider. Miscast, poorly written and utter shit. GRAVY TRAIN BISCUIT WHEELS

Author:  Talisin [ Wed May 07, 2008 7:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thats actully funny I just watched Ghost Rider today. Yeah it did suck balls lol. It was more about the love story then anything else which I think is dumb for a Guy who works for the devil.....

Author:  Reinheld [ Thu May 08, 2008 10:42 am ]
Post subject: 

He ate jelly beans from a wine glass. I felt that merited an explanation. And he loved monkeys.

Author:  Jimbean [ Thu May 08, 2008 11:18 am ]
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i think that was just to show that he was a weird guy with lots of eccentricities. I didn't think it was that bad, defintiely wouldn't have been worth paying to see, but I saw it on cable so w/e. My only real beef with it was the casting and the scripting, the fag from american beauty playing blackheart was a fucking joke and not scary at all, nick cage didn't work really well either, peter fonda as the devil was kinda cool, all in all if they had spent less money on casting and more on good writing they might have had a hit. Also, didn't all the enemies seem way too fucking easy, or was it just me? The fight with blackheart lasts all of like 3 mins and has the cheesiest fucking ending of all time. However, The special effects were pretty tight, I especially liked the crazy shit in the clouds in that one scene.

Author:  Pantherxx [ Thu May 08, 2008 3:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

only thing I like this movie was the special effect of ghost rider that all.

Author:  Remey [ Fri May 09, 2008 12:39 pm ]
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Gambit being my favorite out of the X-Men I'm kind of afraid to see him in a film. I was bummed at first when he wasn't in the first X-film but after how poorly the other characters were shown I'm glad they didn't include him.

Author:  Reinheld [ Sat May 10, 2008 10:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Did you see the kid they got to play him in the Wolverine movie? He's on Friday Night Lights, y'know, the one dude with long hair.

Author:  Remey [ Mon May 12, 2008 12:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Reinheld wrote:
Did you see the kid they got to play him in the Wolverine movie? He's on Friday Night Lights, y'know, the one dude with long hair.

Yea I saw that they casted him, I haven't watched Friday Night Lights nor The Covenant. lol

Author:  Talisin [ Mon May 12, 2008 3:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

I watch Friday night lights and he is actully pretty cool kid. Very laid back. and not a bad actor

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