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Who u gonna vote for President?
Bob Barr 13%  13%  [ 2 ]
Ralph Nader 6%  6%  [ 1 ]
Cyhthia Mckinney 6%  6%  [ 1 ]
Chuck Baldwin 6%  6%  [ 1 ]
I'm gonna throw my vote away on a major party candidate. 69%  69%  [ 11 ]
Total votes : 16
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 Post subject: Election Poll
PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:01 pm 
Vanadiel Animal Rights Activist
Vanadiel Animal Rights Activist
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reverse your thinking about 3rd parties. You think the 2 major parties will bring the change we need? They're both more of the same. Vote for a true maverick, vote 3rd party!

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Last edited by Pazrayna on Tue Nov 04, 2008 3:49 am, edited 3 times in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:36 pm 
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I'm just not going to vote


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:46 pm 
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Voting 3rd party is throwing away your vote. Perhaps if less people voted 3rd party 8 years ago Al Gore would have won, we'd have universal healthcare, and we wouldn't be in Iraq.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:04 am 
Emo Immolator
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Yes, the candidates were exactly the same. I see it now. Kerry would've invaded Iraq and weakened our country with trillions in debt.

Retired 8/21/06
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:04 am 
Vanadiel Animal Rights Activist
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Theterk wrote:
I'm just not going to vote

That's truely throwing your vote away. Voting for a 3rd party would at least make a statement. Not voting just says I dont care.

Kluya wrote:
Voting 3rd party is throwing away your vote. Perhaps if less people voted 3rd party 8 years ago Al Gore would have won, we'd have universal healthcare, and we wouldn't be in Iraq.

If Al Gore wasn't a spineless douche and conceded he would've won. Al Gore actually won. Bush stole the election. I don't like Al Gore anyway. Carbon credits is bullshit.

If more people voted 3rd party and Nader won, it'd send a wake up call to the 2 major parties. Didn't you learn anything from Jesse Ventura!?

Caduceus wrote:
Yes, the candidates were exactly the same. I see it now. Kerry would've invaded Iraq and weakened our country with trillions in debt.

You may be being sarcastic, but I think you're right.

John Forbes Kerry wrote:
Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator; leading an oppressive regime he presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation. So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real.

John Forbes Kerry wrote:
According to the CIA's report, all U.S. intelligence experts agree that Iraq is seeking nuclear weapons. There is little question that Saddam Hussein wants to develop nuclear weapons

Only after invading would he demonize himself. He was so wishy-washy, I could see him doing that.

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Last edited by Pazrayna on Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:21 am 
Vanadiel Animal Rights Activist
Vanadiel Animal Rights Activist
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wtf, Im drunk, I thought I hit edit, maybe i hit quote lol. ><

and fuck you if you say I have no credibility cuz I'm drunk!

It's kinda funny more people responded than voted in the poll.


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:19 pm 
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There are a lot of democrats and republicans in this country who vote for their party no matter what. Independants will never beat both parties. Keep fighting the good fight, but we won't see a 3rd party president ever.


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 3:00 am 
Vanadiel Animal Rights Activist
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The Republican party started out as a 3rd party, but I suppose it was pretty much a 2nd party by the time Lincoln was elected. I did some research to try to prove you wrong, but to no avail.

I don't like where the Republican party is going now. The neocons have railroaded the party and I don't like the new policy of interventionism and the general dislike for the counterculture. And then there's the Patriot Act. Republican Party isn't even about smaller govt anymore, it's about "not quite as big" govt. Not all Republicans are bad. I like Ron Paul. Of course, Ron Paul used to be in the Libertarian party.

I don't like where the Democrat party is going either. Bigger and bigger govt. Govt sux. I hate the govt. So screw that!

So I've decided the place for me is the Libertarian party. Smaller govt. More Freedom!

And well if enough people come to that conclusion the Libertarian party may become a leading party.

Kluya wrote:
There are a lot of democrats and republicans in this country who vote for their party no matter what. Independants will never beat both parties. Keep fighting the good fight, but we won't see a 3rd party president ever.

You're right about the 1st part. I hope your wrong about the 2nd part. I'm sure there's got to be enough Americans that aren't braindead to put a 3rd party in the whitehouse.


If you hate socialism. If you want the Iraq Occupation to end. If you want to repeal the Patriot Act. If you to end the war on drugs. If you hate taxes. If you think the bill of rights actually means something. The Libertarian party is for you.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 10:08 am 
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Since we're speaking in fairytale land anyway, why don't we just do away with political parties and just vote for actual candidates for the presidency?

No party system for Presidential candidate, can still split everything up REP/DEM in the senate. The president should be a unifier for everyone who gets shit done. I always thought that their "party" shouldn't matter, but their ideals and way they can solve problems within the government in order to get people to work together should be the biggest deciding factor for a prez.


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 3:52 pm 
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here's my take on the two-party system:
1. republicans suck. first of all i disagree with their views of restricting and controlling personal freedoms. republicans are the party of big government when it comes to trying to control everyone's personal lives. the bible is too much of an influence on the way republicans think. if you know me, you know that i am not a big fan of the bible or the sheep mentality that goes along with it. i am entirely against republican's anti-stem cell research views. they're generally anti-science, pro-religion, anti-peace, pro-war, anti-environment, pro-guns, pro-hunting, anti-change, anti-womens right, anti-any-minority's rights, pro-bible, and they think the universe centers around them. basically republicans are the polar opposite of who i am, and i tend to not like them at all.

2. democrats have the right idea. but they take a beating from idiots like sean hannity, rush limbaugh, talk radio, Fox news and the biased right-wing media ( I hate Fox news so f'ing bad ), chain emails, preachers, the uneducated, etc. etc. the list goes on. these people have made "liberal" be a bad word even though its not. they've made people wrongly think democrats = socialists. i think barack obama is one of the greatest thinkers of our time, and i'm excited to see what he can accomplish when he is undoubtedly elected president.

3. third parties-- good idea, but currently hopeless. i like libertarianism particularly. but the reason it won't work is because people often vote not FOR a party but AGAINST a party. if people vote AGAINST republicans for instance, why spread their votes around? vote for whichever non-republican party you think has the best chance. this mindset brings us to a two-party system. and it's not going to change until people start voting FOR someone.

RIP Shiloh - I'll never forget ya

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:06 am 
Vanadiel Animal Rights Activist
Vanadiel Animal Rights Activist
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Whisp wrote:
here's my take on the two-party system:
1. republicans suck. first of all i disagree with their views of restricting and controlling personal freedoms. republicans are the party of big government when it comes to trying to control everyone's personal lives. the bible is too much of an influence on the way republicans think. if you know me, you know that i am not a big fan of the bible or the sheep mentality that goes along with it. i am entirely against republican's anti-stem cell research views. they're generally anti-science, pro-religion, anti-peace, pro-war, anti-environment, pro-guns, pro-hunting, anti-change, anti-womens right, anti-any-minority's rights, pro-bible, and they think the universe centers around them. basically republicans are the polar opposite of who i am, and i tend to not like them at all.

Not all Repulicans suck. I really like Ron Paul. He's more of a Libertarian tho. Ron Paul is of course pro-peace, anti-war, he's pro-everyone's right so that includes women and minorities. he is pro-gun tho. most importantly he's pro-hemp lol He is the one person from the 2 parties I would've voted for if he won the primary.
Whisp wrote:
2. democrats have the right idea. but they take a beating from idiots like sean hannity, rush limbaugh, talk radio, Fox news and the biased right-wing media ( I hate Fox news so f'ing bad ), chain emails, preachers, the uneducated, etc. etc. the list goes on. these people have made "liberal" be a bad word even though its not. they've made people wrongly think democrats = socialists. i think barack obama is one of the greatest thinkers of our time, and i'm excited to see what he can accomplish when he is undoubtedly elected president.

Weird thing about right-wing media, they support liberal Republicans. Fox news has been very disrespectful to Ron Paul who is probably the most conservative Republican. Maybe they don't like him cuz he doesn't support Bush's interventionism policy. But every other candidate in the Republican primary is way more liberal than Ron Paul. Well, as far as economics is concerned. Ron Paul was one of the biggest opponents to the bail-out.

And um... Socialism... That's a pretty broad term. You could call anything the govt does to regulate or control the economy socialism. The rightwings use socialism just cuz it has a bad connotation, I agree. Republican's idea to ban abortion and gay marriage and the war on drugs is all "social interventionism" which is a form of socialism. The party with the least socialism is probably the Libertarian party.

Whisp wrote:
3. third parties-- good idea, but currently hopeless. i like libertarianism particularly. but the reason it won't work is because people often vote not FOR a party but AGAINST a party. if people vote AGAINST republicans for instance, why spread their votes around? vote for whichever non-republican party you think has the best chance. this mindset brings us to a two-party system. and it's not going to change until people start voting FOR someone.

3rd parties aren't hopeless. It's worked before. Just look what happened to the Republican party. That use to be a 3rd party. The 2 main parties were Whig and Democratic when the Republicans started out and wtf happened to Whig?! So maybe the way for a 3rd party to succeed is to become one of the 2 parties. I would really like to see the Republican party fall on its ass and become a 3rd party and Libertarian become the new 2nd party.

Besides you can't vote against! Penn says so!
You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows!
Here's my idea for voting 3rd party in this election:

I live in MN. MN has been known to vote dem in pres elections. The polls show Obama has such a good lead that McCain has given up on MN and Obama thinks he's got it locked. So since Obama's a sure bet in MN, I'm going to vote for Bob Barr because it'll help the Libertarian Party gain a little bit of recognition.

I urge everyone who is in a "locked" blue state or red state to pick a 3rd party candidate to vote for. This will help them gain recognition by upping their %. If you're in a battlefield state, then fine vote for the lesser of 2 evils. It might actually matter then.

Every vote does count. Show how you're not a sheep and make an informed decision, don't just vote for the lesser of 2 evils.

You might think, it doesn't matter, they won't win anyway. But it does matter, the higher percentage of votes a 3rd party gets this year will help them in the future.


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 4:57 am 
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they're no way south dakota is not bright red on your map

.. i do champion the idea of a 3rd party in the event that the two big parties dont put up someone good. but this time around, barack obama is quite possibly my favorite politician, and john mccain is probably my favorite republican aside from his pathetic choice of running mate

RIP Shiloh - I'll never forget ya

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:43 am 
Vanadiel Animal Rights Activist
Vanadiel Animal Rights Activist
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what can i say... polls are bullshit! lol

I champion the idea of a 3rd party because the major 2 parties don't fit everyone. I think the Libertarian Party is a better fit for most people, but they don't realize it because they never fucking heard of it lol.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:01 pm 
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that poll is far too small to produce true results. and no one is ever going to score as a "statist."

anyway i scored "liberal"

RIP Shiloh - I'll never forget ya

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:30 pm 
Vanadiel Animal Rights Activist
Vanadiel Animal Rights Activist
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Naw. I think Obama and McCain would score statist. Try matching their voting record and their campaign promises to the quiz questions.

The reason it has so few questions is more people are going to take a quiz with only 10 questions. If it had 20 questions less people would take it because it'd be "too long."

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:49 pm 
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Whisp wrote:
here's my take on the two-party system:
1. republicans suck. first of all i disagree with their views of restricting and controlling personal freedoms. republicans are the party of big government when it comes to trying to control everyone's personal lives. the bible is too much of an influence on the way republicans think. if you know me, you know that i am not a big fan of the bible or the sheep mentality that goes along with it. i am entirely against republican's anti-stem cell research views. they're generally anti-science, pro-religion, anti-peace, pro-war, anti-environment, pro-guns, pro-hunting, anti-change, anti-womens right, anti-any-minority's rights, pro-bible, and they think the universe centers around them. basically republicans are the polar opposite of who i am, and i tend to not like them at all.

2. democrats have the right idea. but they take a beating from idiots like sean hannity, rush limbaugh, talk radio, Fox news and the biased right-wing media ( I hate Fox news so f'ing bad ), chain emails, preachers, the uneducated, etc. etc. the list goes on. these people have made "liberal" be a bad word even though its not. they've made people wrongly think democrats = socialists. i think barack obama is one of the greatest thinkers of our time, and i'm excited to see what he can accomplish when he is undoubtedly elected president.

spoken like a true democrat. I'm not voting because my voice doesn't matter here in Texas, McCain is going to win texas no doubt. I do not like what Obama stands for, but if (and when, I've come to terms with that) he is elected president, I still am going to have to pay taxes. The war will still be here, oil will still cost lots, people still won't have jobs, the economy will still get worse, and the minorities will continue to bitch about something. Its the way America works, and the only thing that will change this is something major occurs ie Great Depression II, World War 3, etc.


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:42 pm 
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Whisp wrote:
that poll is far too small to produce true results. and no one is ever going to score as a "statist."

anyway i scored "liberal"

er.. i accidentally scored statist :neutral:

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:54 am 
Vanadiel Animal Rights Activist
Vanadiel Animal Rights Activist
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Armani wrote:
Whisp wrote:
that poll is far too small to produce true results. and no one is ever going to score as a "statist."

anyway i scored "liberal"

er.. i accidentally scored statist :neutral:

I don't think it's an accident. We all know you're a secret statist and want to take over the world.

I voted for Scott Tracy!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:16 am 
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Father of Evil Twin Tarus & 1 Mastermind
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Wow this voting was crazy!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:06 pm 
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Pazrayna wrote:
Armani wrote:
Whisp wrote:
that poll is far too small to produce true results. and no one is ever going to score as a "statist."

anyway i scored "liberal"

er.. i accidentally scored statist :neutral:

I don't think it's an accident. We all know you're a secret statist and want to take over the world.

I voted for Scott Tracy!

I voted Democrat. I voted Cobra Commander.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:58 pm 
Vanadiel Animal Rights Activist
Vanadiel Animal Rights Activist
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Tell Obama to live up to his campaign promise to cut ineffective programs by ending the war on drugs!

Also tell Obama to live up to his promise to invest in every alternative fuel by investing in hemp for biofuels.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:48 am 
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Tell Pazrayna to shut up!


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