Yarr The Pirate!

2.3 Personal Housing Info
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Author:  Ridere [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  2.3 Personal Housing Info

I saw this on Reddit. It is the 1st, so keep that in mind, but this isn't exactly revolutionary information, so it's probably okay.


Looks like when personal housing comes out in 2.3, you'll be able to either buy a separate room/house, or have your room attached to your FC house.

The latter could be an interesting idea (if it's true). I only wonder if both options would have the same size room/house, and if you buy it separate, if you get any sort of access to actual land, or if it'll be more akin to the rent-a-rooms from ff11.

Author:  tehkei [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2.3 Personal Housing Info

thats interesting. I would love to have a room next to the FC housing. either choice sounds good.

Author:  Kluya [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2.3 Personal Housing Info

FC house expansion! I would probably go that route if anything. Pretty neat.

Author:  Ridere [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2.3 Personal Housing Info

I imagine it'd be a glowy instance bubble type situation, like zoning into the scions HQ. But yah. It'd still be kind of cool to go in and out of eachother's rooms from the FC itself.

But! If the rooms are smaller doing it that way, or if you get actual land from buying a personal house the other way, I'll still probably end up getting a personal house. I guess it just all depends on how it's implemented.

Author:  Ketrebu [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2.3 Personal Housing Info


Author:  Ridere [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2.3 Personal Housing Info

Yah, that's what I was thinking, too, Ket. Seems like it'd be simple enough to just let you have two ways to zone into your house.

But are they really going to do mist-like layouts for personal housing? They'd have to create an insanely large amount of wards to accomodate that. I think having a front yard would be awesome, and a neighborhood where we can all buy houses by eachother and such, but I just see it being a lot more like zoning into the Inn/rent-a-room in ff11

Author:  Ketrebu [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2.3 Personal Housing Info

It sounded like part of the reason they changed how the instance servers work in 2.2 was for making future personal housing work. They can allocate 50,000 ward and house instances, but only have as many active at a time that are actually in use by players by having the servers create and destroy them as necessary.

How it should have been done in the first place, might I add. Having X number of Amdapor Keep servers that once they're full they're full, and Y number of Wanderer's Palace servers, that might all be empty and nobody using them, but Amdapor Keep is full so you can't enter, is well, dumb.

Author:  Ridere [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2.3 Personal Housing Info

Well, if we can have access to 50,000 wards (and thus all houses attached to that ward), that's pretty darn impressive.

Author:  Whisp [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2.3 Personal Housing Info

yay! i might get one

Author:  Ketrebu [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2.3 Personal Housing Info

Well I plucked that number out of my ass.

My point was that if they've done it right this time they can have an infinite number of instances, because only the ones actually in use will need to be loaded by the servers at any one time.

The huge 24+ hour maintenance at Patch 2.2 was to change the instance infrastructure to create and destroy instances as needed, and in a different post (that I cant find right now) they cited the future personal housing system as a reason to do so. So I'm pretty sure that's what they've done.

This maintenance will introduce a new structure to the instance system that automatically adjusts the number of available instances according to the level of congestion. Until now, depending on the time of day, the number of players would become concentrated in certain content, maxing out the number of available instances, resulting in extended waiting times for players despite having a full party. With the implementation of this new system, more players than ever before will be able to participate simultaneously in the same content.

I also don't think it has anything (directly) to do with the massive lag on the 4-man instances at the moment. I have discovered that this infamous 4-man instance lag does not affect me, at all, even when the other 3 people are complaining about 20-30 seconds of nothing before fast-forward and jumping around nonsense. It sounds like another routing problem. Maybe the 4-man instance servers have been routed elsewhere.

Author:  Ridere [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2.3 Personal Housing Info

You know...

It's worth noting that I was having bad lag just doing my dailies yesterday, and I checked and my battleping was not connected. I logged out, fixed it, and came back in just fine. I also noticed absolutely no lag in the two dungeons I did last night, either.

So maybe my battleping hasn't been working since patch night. I generally have it minimized/hidden behind other windows, so I often just "set and forget" it.

Author:  Kioko [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2.3 Personal Housing Info

it probably has more to do with the massive amount of people whom use battleping not having it turned on and forgetting how the game actually runs lol. i dont have it and didnt notice any difference. ath and lackies were complaining in a dungeon we were doing last night and turning it on seemed to aliviate the issue for both. levle3 y u sux?

anyho i assume it to be a door that goes into an instance attached to the character for the fc house. it would be nice if each fc member automatically got a room free. hopefully a big enough room, maybe the size of a small house ground floor or an inn room. itd be nice for everyone to have their own little spot to do whatever they want with. i know obsessive decorators like myself probably made others feel uncomfortable or unwelcomed in participating in layout so i hope this is something that would make everyone love the house as their own.

on the other hand i really hope that we also get the option of buying our own land in whichever zone. the big house is fun but like i said im kind of a posessive decorator so having an entire house to do whatever i like with would be my preference. i assume this will be an extremely expensive thing to do though especially seeing se throw gil at our feet lately like breadcrumbs to ducks. i also hope this option allows players tl buy homes together so we could see families stick together or roomates. i always thought it felt weird in xi that you could get married but couldnt share a bedroom like some sort of strict amish society.

sorry for grammar, on cell phone.

Author:  Whisp [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2.3 Personal Housing Info

Ridere wrote:
You know...

It's worth noting that I was having bad lag just doing my dailies yesterday, and I checked and my battleping was not connected. I logged out, fixed it, and came back in just fine. I also noticed absolutely no lag in the two dungeons I did last night, either.

So maybe my battleping hasn't been working since patch night. I generally have it minimized/hidden behind other windows, so I often just "set and forget" it.

server was lagging horribly for everyone up until about 530pm pacific, dunno if that coincided with you switching ping on

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