Yarr The Pirate!

RL FFXI Picture Database
Page 124 of 125

Author:  Ridere [ Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

Noodle! I really want to go to Machu Picchu. How did you enjoy that trip?

Author:  ChickenNoodleSoup [ Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

Ridere wrote:
Noodle! I really want to go to Machu Picchu. How did you enjoy that trip?

Trip to Peru was fun.

Machu Picchu is a sight to behold.

You know how when you see beautiful breath taking environment views in your in game personas and go wow, that would be awesome to see IRL? It's just like that (except it is in person and not through a digital PoV).

Author:  Iolanthe [ Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

DL would like to inform you guys that he does not only drink from mason jars.

Author:  Auspice [ Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

He should be careful; it looks like that is going to spill at any moment. I try to keep my glasses upright.

What delicious libation is he partaking in?

Author:  Kioko [ Fri Feb 12, 2016 4:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

Dead has prettier hair than I do. Jelly.

Author:  Iolanthe [ Tue Feb 23, 2016 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

Some pictures from DL's adventures in Canada.

Author:  tehkei [ Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

ImageMe being a #narcissist #selfie by C. L., on Flickr

Author:  DeadLegend [ Sat Aug 27, 2016 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

Not the most demonstrative "Before and After" but I lost around 80 pounds. At 140 now (I am 5'6"). Went from 36 waist to 29. Shirt size large to small. Messy kitchen.

beforeandafter.jpg [ 332.28 KiB | Viewed 21196 times ]

Author:  Auspice [ Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

DeadLegend wrote:
Not the most demonstrative "Before and After" but I lost around 80 pounds. At 140 now (I am 5'6"). Went from 36 waist to 29. Shirt size large to small. Messy kitchen.


Nice! I dropped a bunch of weight a few years ago when I joined the Army. It's amazing how much better it feels, right?

Author:  Athel [ Mon Aug 29, 2016 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

Awesome job!! I am in the process of losing as well. Down 33lbs currently. Any tips?

Author:  Rushal [ Mon Aug 29, 2016 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

Dude!! Looking great!

Author:  DeadLegend [ Tue Aug 30, 2016 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

Auspice wrote:
Nice! I dropped a bunch of weight a few years ago when I joined the Army. It's amazing how much better it feels, right?

Yeah I'm surrounded by fat people telling me I look unhealthy. It's magical.

Rushal wrote:
Dude!! Looking great!

I would fuck me so hard.

Athel wrote:
Awesome job!! I am in the process of losing as well. Down 33lbs currently. Any tips?

That's great.

I have the advantage of working a physical job, on my feet for 8-11 hours a day, moving for all of it, and doing some level of exercise (scrubbing, wiping, pushing, pulling, lifting, dropping, climbing, crouching, sweeping, mopping, pulling weeds, shoveling snow, whatever) for the vast majority of it. All I had to do was start eating right, and I eat the same things (or selection from a set of staples) every day.

Cod, chicken, a balance of whole eggs and egg whites, lots of vegetables, whole grains, tons and tons of water, skim cottage cheese and greek yogurt, almonds when I want them. I eat fresh spinach all the time. I use it raw in salads and wraps, I steambake it in a tin foil packet with spiced cod for dinner, whatever (then I mix that in with lentils and brown rice, peppers, onions, jalapenos and asparagus and spices and hoooomnomnomn). I make everything delicious and I keep food ready to go so I never get hungry and make poor decisions, I snack on the skim cottage cheese (try it with cinnamon and a shredded wheat biscuit) or plain greek yogurt (mash in a few blueberries), I indulge in fresh tomatoes (slice and dash some basil on there) and regular dill pickle spears.

I keep produce chopped and set in bins ready to go, I keep three days of fish thawed out, I cook lentils ahead of time and store a few days worth since they take longer than rice, all that shit, having everything ready to go is so valuable. I drink water non-stop at home too, along with green tea once or twice a day. I guzzle black coffee at work though.

Control portions, eat regularly, keep a schedule, and most importantly be honest with yourself. You know what's right and wrong, what works for you and what doesn't, and the more progress you make the less satisfying the temptations will become anyway. I mainly avoid too much sugar, with the plain yogurt being the main exception. This has the sad effect of meaning I don't get to enjoy much fruit. I also drink alcohol only once a month or less.

Obviously I avoid most fat as well, and less than 20% of my fatcalories are saturated (low single digits), the rest are poly/mono, which most sources seem to agree can be useful if you are active and eat a balanced diet. That said, my fat intake is pretty low, even now. Protein and carbs are about even with one another and most of the carbs come from whole grains and vegetables. As a side note, changing my eating habits from "Starve all day then eat a whole pizza" to what they are now has removed all aches and pains I had from work and getting old, particularly my right wrist/thumb which was crippled by tenosynovitis. I'm stronger than ever.

You are a fucking dragon.

Author:  Auspice [ Tue Aug 30, 2016 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

My tricks were:

In regards to food: absolutely no soda, minimal candy/snacks, and moderation in everything else. There was no way I was cutting out pizza, beer, and cheese!

For exercise and activity; just move around a little more. Go for a walk, jog, do some sit ups, ANYTHING will help.

Author:  Ridere [ Thu Sep 01, 2016 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

Dead, that's awesome. You look great!

Author:  DeadLegend [ Sun Sep 04, 2016 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

I am the uncle of a healthy 7lb 9oz baby who has obviously seen some shit

hannahjean.jpg [ 32.4 KiB | Viewed 21054 times ]

Author:  Kioko [ Tue Sep 06, 2016 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

lol grats he/she looks like they're saying, "Da fuck are you?"

Author:  Pamelita [ Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

Congrats and congrats, you look great (and probably shocked Baby)!

Author:  ChickenNoodleSoup [ Mon Dec 19, 2016 7:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

Visited motherland a coupe of weeks ago.
Some pics below.

File comment: Ho Chi Minh - Evening stroll downtown.
DSC_0044.JPG [ 6.61 MiB | Viewed 20807 times ]

File comment: Monkeys, they'll steal things from you (tried to steal a bag of fruit)
DSC_0067.JPG [ 7.79 MiB | Viewed 20807 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Climbing a karst tower, nearing top.
DSC_0454.JPG [ 6.39 MiB | Viewed 20807 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - View of surrounding area a top a karst tower, south side
DSC_0487.JPG [ 5.76 MiB | Viewed 20807 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - View of surrounding area a top a karst tower, north side
DSC_0495.JPG [ 6.53 MiB | Viewed 20807 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Early morning view outside lodge
DSC_0589.JPG [ 5.53 MiB | Viewed 20807 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Trang An boat tour
DSC_0791.JPG [ 5.76 MiB | Viewed 20807 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Trang An boat tour
DSC_0866.JPG [ 7.39 MiB | Viewed 20807 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Tran An boat tour
DSC_0873.JPG [ 5.58 MiB | Viewed 20807 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Trang An boat tour, stopping at a temple. (left to right: Twisty, Doodee, Doodee's boyfriend)
DSC_0878.JPG [ 5.99 MiB | Viewed 20807 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Trang An boat tour, stopping at a temple. (left to right: Doodee, Me, Doodee's boyfriend, Mom)
DSC_0926.JPG [ 5.8 MiB | Viewed 20807 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Trang An boat tour, me just taking in view.
DSC_0966.JPG [ 5.96 MiB | Viewed 20807 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Trang An boat tour, just more scenery.
DSC_0994.JPG [ 7.16 MiB | Viewed 20807 times ]

**too lazy to batch compress**

Author:  Murph [ Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

Awesome pics Noodle :)

Author:  ChickenNoodleSoup [ Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

Round 2 pics.

File comment: Ninh Binh - Trang An, old temple
DSC_0024.JPG [ 6.75 MiB | Viewed 20795 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Trang An, lots of wine in a cave
DSC_0087.JPG [ 7.28 MiB | Viewed 20795 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Trang An, scenery after exiting a cave
DSC_0110.JPG [ 7.07 MiB | Viewed 20795 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Trang An, entering another cave
DSC_0113.JPG [ 5.85 MiB | Viewed 20795 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Trang An, inside a cave! left to right: Doodee's boyfriend, Doodee, Twisty Devil
DSC_0115.JPG [ 6.86 MiB | Viewed 20795 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Trang An, another temple stop along boat tour. left to right: Doodee, Twisty Devil, Doodee's BF, mom (behind Doodee BF)
DSC_0135.JPG [ 7.41 MiB | Viewed 20795 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Trang An, another temple stop
DSC_0192.JPG [ 5.64 MiB | Viewed 20795 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Trang An, Twisty taking a picture inside temple
DSC_0200.JPG [ 6.94 MiB | Viewed 20795 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Trang An, goofing around in courtyard. left to right: Doodee, mom, Doodee BF, Twisty
DSC_0207.JPG [ 6.93 MiB | Viewed 20795 times ]

File comment: Ninh Binh - Trang An, scenery shot - end of grotto boat tour
DSC_0290.JPG [ 6.06 MiB | Viewed 20795 times ]

Author:  DeadLegend [ Sun Dec 25, 2016 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

Met my niece. She watches football and squeaks when I growl at her. Looking maximum creepy because I tried to smile.

IMG_0101.JPG [ 1.22 MiB | Viewed 20774 times ]
IMG_5980.JPG [ 1.77 MiB | Viewed 20774 times ]

Author:  Reinheld [ Sat Mar 11, 2017 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

Great job smiling

Author:  tehkei [ Mon Mar 13, 2017 6:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

All these people doing stuff like traveling and having kids. I'm playing the division and eating left over pizza. Oh i bought a small house i guess theres that.

Author:  DeadLegend [ Wed Jun 14, 2017 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

Went back to NYC. Went to Phantom again, got DISASTROUSLY shitfaced before, during, and after. I may or may not have touched the chandelier as it was being put back up between acts. I may or may not have loudly yelled "Hail Satan!" at the Phantom as he took his bow, from seven feet away.

nycchandelier.jpg [ 23.5 KiB | Viewed 20231 times ]

nycscore.jpg [ 26.74 KiB | Viewed 20231 times ]

Went to a Mets game with my brother and sister. It was windy as hell and the Mets lost 14-3

nycmets.jpg [ 85.52 KiB | Viewed 20231 times ]

And hung around with my niece. We manspreaded like the scofflaws we are.

File comment: Niece
nychannah.jpg [ 51.96 KiB | Viewed 20231 times ]

Author:  Kluya [ Sat Jun 17, 2017 8:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RL FFXI Picture Database

Sounds like one hell of a trip, looking good dude!

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