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 Post subject: In Sumation
PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:47 am 
Too Weak
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Your thoughts?

Courtesy of Endless Journey @

Greetings & Salutations everyone, from FFXIV BETA. This will be my first post since the lift of the non-disclosure-agreement so I plan to fill everyone in on what's going on in ffxiv beta right now and what you should know and might can expect. This is going to be a long drawn out post so I hope you're ready for it.

As you may know, the FFXIV ALPHA tests began many many months ago, I'm not for certain but I believe it was about 6 months ago now. However, about a month and a half back began the actual beta testing. However, it's not been the yellow brick road everyone was expecting so far. It's true that in all beta tests there will be problems, people fully expect them, even though the general consensus right now is that this beta has been the most bugged and flawed beta that pretty much anyone has played. However, this is not the main concern, not by a long shot. The main concern right now? That would be Square Enix's attitude, and most importantly, their "vision".

Square Enix has added a lot of unusual systems, controls and things of much frustration and agony so far. Most people were hopeful that these things would change come official release, that was, until not long ago when some new interviews started surfacing with the FFXIV development team. And let me tell you, they're nothing short of downright frightening. But before we get into that, I would like to go over a little history with you back in the world of Vana Diel, back when it all began over 8 years ago.

About 8 years ago, Square Enix came out with the MMORPG "Final Fantasy XI online". When this game was released there were not many MMORPG's on the market. The only ones out were things like Everquest, Ultima Online and I believe Ragnarok Online. Point being, there weren't many at all and even those were a newer breed of video game that had just surfaced. No one really knew what a MMORPG was, how it was suppose to work or just what it entailed. Developer and Consumer included. When FFXI was built they followed a lot of the same guidelines used in Everquest, which is generally thought of now days as the most "hardcore" and time consuming MMORPG to ever exist.

Because of this, it was no surprise that FFXI was very hardcore itself for many years to come. Back then people did not know what to think, what to expect or fully how to react to situations. They just played. They felt, and they were told if something was wrong that it was their fault for not being a better player. However, years and years of this "hardcore" play style went on before people started quitting in the masses. They were tired of being excluded out of content because they didn't have 5+ hours a day to devote to a game. They were tired of not getting anything accomplished because they didn't have 5+ hours a day to devote to a game. They were tired of being "gimp" because they didn't have 5+ hours a day to devote to a game. And the ones who did have and did devote (myself included) 5+ hours to the game for a very long time began seeing how it was effecting their real lives. They began to wonder why a game should take so much time out of your day just to be able to enjoy the systems within it.

And with this my friends, the "casual" mentality was born. People did not want to devote 5+ hours, 10+ hours a day to a video game anymore. It was no longer "cool" or "hardcore" but instead the masses began making fun of it, frowning upon it, and it became a taboo thing reserved for the mentally deprived. People had asked Square Enix for a good long time by then to change many things within FFXI, to change how these systems worked and to give them a better chance at enjoying the game while still maintaining their real lives. But with each new interview Square Enix simply ignored these pleas, these cry outs, their very consumers, and stated things were worked as intended. The "hardcore" crowd only made fun of them, telling them not to play if they didn't like it. Well, that's exactly what happened eventually, people stopped playing and because of this many MMORPG's (not only FFXI) began to lose many of their subscribers. And what does this mean for the developers? A loss of revenue.

Square Enix addressed this by slowly implementing new systems to allow better play for people who could not or did not want to play a game for 5+, 10+ hours a day. However, with the new systems being added many more, many of the same systems already in existence still remained. I guess you could say it was too little too late. But as time went on, more and more of these "casual friendly" systems were added and helped to retain the remaining subscribers of FFXI, although every now and again Square Enix would add another "Hardcore Friendly" system and simply shoot themselves in the foot. As years went on, people began to regain a small amount of trust in the company who never listened to them, their pleas, or their cry outs. The developers began communicating with the community just a bit more and things started looking a bit brighter. But again, it was simply too little too late. FFXI was passed it's prime and began it's slow and gradual decline.

Meanwhile, games like World of Warcraft were flourishing. They appealed more to the casual community, even though they were often abused by the hardcore. Because of this, it and games like it only grew in popularity while games like FFXI, with it's amazing story, amazing graphics and beautiful world simply fell by the wayside. It was a sad thing to see for me, because I always loved and have loved FFXI so very much, through thick and thin. It really truly is a amazing game with the most captivating story I've ever experienced in my entire life.

Life went on, time went by and the sun continued to rise and set. The remaining FFXI population began to regain more trust and a better outlook in FFXI and to the developers themselves. But then it came, the one day that would change it all. People had known for awhile, well they had "speculated" that Square Enix was developing a new MMORPG, a "next gen" MMORPG. We speculated for a couple of years before it was ever officially announced and took most (but not some of us) by surprise. "Final Fantasy XIV online", it was announced at the E3 convention in 2009. Many of us in the "underground" were already expecting this, it is in fact when I started this very blog.

As time went on new information surfaced here and there and Square Enix began discussing and advertising their new up-and-coming MMORPG within the gaming community. We soon found out that Square Enix was planning on doing everything right from the start. They said their "vision" was to make FFXIV a casual friendly game, one that could be played and enjoyed for just a hour of commitment every day. They spoke of the new "guildleve" system, they spoke of all kinds of different designs to allow people to have fun and enjoyment while still retaining their real lives. They also stated that this time around they really wanted to listen to the community, what the community had to say and really give them what they wanted. But this would all change sadly...

Fast forward back to now. Saturday, August 21st 2010. We are currently in the 3rd phase of beta testing for FFXIV and already things are looking quite bleak. The entire FFXIV beta community is in a uproar and many have already quit in mass exodus, and the game isn't even out yet! But why you ask? Sadly, because Square Enix has reverted back to their old selves in many ways and they have also lied to the community. But how you may ask? Allow me to elaborate.

As I explained and as you more than likely know by now if you've been following the development of FFXIV, Square Enix has sworn time and time again several major points about FFXIV and the testing of such to make it a better game overall:

They would listen to the community and adhere to their desires.

They would communicate with the community.

They would make FFXIV a casual friendly game while still appealing to the more "hardcore" community as well. They said FFXIV would be a game that could be enjoyed thoroughly by anyone, no matter their play time.

They wanted to think of the FFXI community first and foremost and make FFXIV appealing to them before any other demographic.

However, these points became moot and untrue as time went on. The FFXIV forums were always a place where if you said anything bad about FFXIV you got flamed and chased away quickly, one of the most used arguments in doing so was "It's just beta". But things continued to go downhill and slowly the masses began to speak out. The "diehards" and "fanboys" were quickly silenced and drown out by the cries of the masses once again, and this time their cries were louder than ever.

You see, as of now Square Enix is not only going back on their word about many things, they are not staying true to it. Below I will describe the major issues which are plaguing FFXIV right now.

They have spoken with the community very very little thus far and only recently have given a few new interviews. This is one thing everyone hated for the longest time in FFXI that eventually changed down the road, but has changed and reverted back as of late with FFXIV and the development within.

They are not taking suggestions from the community. Now, before you roll your eyes I'm not talking about "PLEASE ADD FLYING CHOCOBOS!" or every little suggestion posted. I'm talking about MAJOR issues that the entire community bands together on and agrees with fully to the point that absolutely no one is against it. And with that, below, I will address some of these issues at hand.

The Guildleve system. It is part of Square Enix's "vision" to have Guildleve on a 48 hour cooldown, and the bad thing is that you can only accept a maximum of 8 guildleves for this 48 hour time period. This is very limiting to the player, however at first it wasn't such a big deal because guildleves were very worthwhile and gave very good experience points and rewards for doing them. However, this was nerfed and now at this point the guildleves give hardly anymore experience points than simple monster grinding. They took out the biggest incentives to participate within them. They then explained this was part of their "vision" and wanted this to encourage players to group up and share their guildleves. The thing is, when you do this you suffer a loss of experience points gained. More or less, it's more efficient to do a solo guildleve and then go about your business or go back to solo grinding than it is to group up with 2 or more players. At this though, the biggest complaint in the community regarding guildleve right now is the 48 hour cooldown. Square Enix simply responded in a interview with "This is our vision on how it will work, and while the community is asking for the cooldown to be lowered we have no plans to do so".

Then there was crafting. A Profession Square Enix swore the players could take up and enjoy within itself without having to depend on a melee/magic/front lines class to enjoy. That if some one simply wanted to craft, then craft they shall. However this was far from the truth. The skill ups even at the low levels were even much slower than that in FFXI and that being at higher levels. The materials needed to make simple crafts to level up your crafting profession were expensive and hard to come by, and lastly there were the crystals. Say goodbye to simply needing one crystal, because now even for the most simply low level synthesis you could need anywhere from 2 of one kind, 3 of another kind and 4 of a final kind to 9 of each kind of crystal, for a single synthesis. One which had about a 20% chance of giving you skill up points, a small amount at that. The crafting "guildleves" gave you free ingredients to craft with but only a few and after about a hour or so you ran out of them and then came to lovely 48 cooldown to obtain more. Things truly were looking bleak for crafters and those wishing to take up the profession.

The next thing the community absolutely hates is the controls. WASD for movement and IJKL for camera control? Square Enix said time and time again they wanted to make the FFXI community feel comfortable playing their game (FFXI primary controls were the num-pad for movement and arrow keys for camera control. It worked surprisingly well). But not only are they failing to do so, they are also alienating the WoW crowd and many other MMORPG players. I will admit using the mouse to control camera can be nice and I don't mind it a bit. Sadly, the mouse control system for FFXIV is done using what's called the "software mouse" system as opposed to the "hardware mouse" system. This means basically that it lags and there will always be a tiny amount of lag in it even if polished which right now, it is far from. The community was quite upset about this and was begging Square Enix to use the "hardware mouse" which is just as easy to be implemented into the system and design as it's inferior software counterpart. But for some reason Square Enix responded with "We currently have no plans to change the software mouse to a hardware mouse, the software mouse will receive some revisions and be kept".

The next big, major issue is the fact that there is no Auction House on FFXIV. There is what's called the "Market Wards". You "hire" a retainer, meaning you get your own NPC to stand in this large market area with a "bazaar" of your goods for sale within them. The bad thing is that there's no way of knowing who has what and there are honestly hundreds if not thousands of these NPC's and this is just in the BETA. This means trying to find some simple ingredients or a piece of armor can honestly take hours of searching. People begged Square Enix in the masses to please introduce a Auction House. If Square Enix was trying to prevent abuse of a Auction House all they had to do is revise the "price history" system there within to show if anyone was trying to abuse it, alter price history or under sale. Simply put, let people see who's selling what for how much and how often. But still, do this within a actual auction house system. This is what the player base has BEGGED for probably more than anything else. It's much more convenient to walk up to a Auction House and spend 5-10 minutes getting the things you need and browsing the wares within than spending upwards of an hour and perhaps not even finding what you were looking for. Square Enix simply responded with "The market wards are a unique and innovative system that we want to keep".

These comments were all found out in a interview that surfaced. One that should have boosted the morale of the current beta player base and given Square Enix better publicity. This interview surfaced in a time where the entire game was filled full of bugs, full of insanely high lag, issues that could be easily addressed that were simply ignored, even for beta. This interview came in a time where people were beginning to get very frustrated and put out with a game so unpolished that most said it was not even worthy of being called a "Alpha Build" due to the immense bug and hugely grotesque lack of content. This made the community begin turning against itself, people quitting left and right, disgruntled players everywhere and the few people defending Square Enix burned at the stakes. This was all within the OFFICIAL BETA FORUMS non the less...

But then came the final nail in the coffin for many. People thought it was some kind of glitch or some kind of odd system they didn't quite understand. After gaining experience points for awhile your rate of experience points began dropping and you began getting "surplus" experience points. Where did these surplus experience points go to and what were they used for? Sadly we found out. Absolutely nothing! That's right, it is a built in "fatigue" system that all classes share, from crafting, to gathering, to melee and magic. The bad thing is, you start experiencing this fatigue after a mere hour or two of leveling up. So Square Enix responded with this... "We do not want those who have more time to gain an advantage of the player base so we have added in this fatigue system. We recommend that if you want to play more past it you should switch classes". Wow, really? Truly? Before people were just upset about being excluded from end game events in FFXI due to the lack of 5+ hours of play time per day. But now, if you want to simply get experience points, on your own, giving you no real advantage other than quick leveling you get punished for it? I'm casual myself now but some times I will have 2-3, 3-4 hours a day to play and I want to enjoy it. Why would I care if some one else levels up slightly quicker than me? And why should they or I have to change classes and not enjoy the one we are trying to focus on if we want to enjoy the game more than a hour a day?

As of now the entire FFXIV beta community is in a uproar. It's like a FF-Apocalypse before the game has even been released. I've never seen a community in my life as disgruntled and surprisingly in complete agreement with each other. the FFXIV official beta forums are pretty much just a Square Enix bashing wonderland at the moment and the feedback forums and filled with nothing but anger and resentment for Square Enix and their attitude. You hear these "upbeat" and lighthearted interviews with the developers when they laugh, giggle, and say things like "We hope you enjoy your experience in Eorzea!" Are they clueless? Are they that ******* stupid? No, no one is nor can be. They are simply going off of their "vision" and what they feel is best, reverting to their old ways and going back on so many promises it's not even funny.

Things are looking bleak at the moment and threads like "I want to believe" "I want to enjoy the game" "Is there any hope" plague the FFXIV general discussion forums with nothing but negativity towards the developers who seem to not realize their player base is more important than their "vision". They don't seem to realize that if they release something that is nothing short of a joke and get a metric ton of bad media all because of a few visions they have and a largely ignored community their game will go absolutely no where very quickly, this includes in Japan to because the Japanese player base is sharing pretty much the exact attitude as the rest of the world towards this at the moment. Some one needs to tell Square Enix that their "vision" isn't going to mean jack if they have no subscribers to partake in it and make the company a profit.

Still I hold out hope, that maybe Square Enix will change their minds, maybe they will see how much of a uproar this is causing and change some things, because if they don't there won't be much hope for such an amazing and beautiful game with so much potential. Let's hope for the best everyone and pray that Square Enix does what's right and not what THEY think is "right" according to their "vision".

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:09 am 
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Sadly, most of this is true. Everyone playing the beta right now knows it. But for the benefit of people who aren't, heres my thoughts:

Playing the beta, everyone can see the potential, the game is fun. We had a big romp last night with a party of 10 people getting one-shotted by maximum difficulty guildleves.

But the game is still filled with bugs and problems only 4 weeks away from it's release date. The menus are laggy, the game crashes a lot, but yeah it's a beta, things can be tweaked, and bugs can be fixed, even if some minor bugs aren't fixed until after the game launches.

Problem is when SE suddenly revealed that a lot of the game's major issues are "exactly as they intended and have no reason to change". I can't help but wonder if they ever actually go home and PLAY the game. Don't use any developer tools and debug menus, start a character from level 1 and actually go out and try to play it on a populated server. You really don't have to play more than a day or two to notice how ridiculously random getting rank ups are, and how near impossible it is to find ANYTHING in the market ward system. But SE don't seem to say "hmm, our beta testers dont like this, maybe we should change it", instead they say "its how we want it so that's how it's staying."

The guildleve system is a great idea. Gives people a way to get a quick boost of exp in pre-made little quests that can be done solo or with friends of any level in only 15-30 minutes. The problem is that near the beginning of phase 3 they suddenly nerfed the exp you get from these, making them not much better than just grinding away solo on exp mobs. They claim you need to group up so you can share guildleves and do more, but that cuts your exp from it so you don't actually get more out of it, just waste more time doing so.

And the surplus thing is ridiculous. It's actually not so bad for the fighting classes, you just lose a % of exp, which is annoying but it just means you have to grind more if you intend to just grind. The fatigue system is a huge kick in the teeth for crafters and gatherers though because it simply outright makes their jobs impossible. Once it kicks in, you basically fail every single synth and break every single gathering node after one swing.

SE confuse me with their contradictory statements. They don't want the casuals to fall behind, but then they put huge limits on guildleves and remove the bonus exp. They want crafters and gatherers to be able to play a craft job full time, but implement a fatigue system that makes it impossible to do so. They want people to play multiple classes, but make a stat point distribution system that punishes you for doing so. It's mind boggling.

Bazaars worked in FFXI because they were supplimentary to the Auction House, for things bought/sold in bulk or extremely rare or expensive items that either can't or shouldn't go up on the Auction House. The Auction House allowed you to find what you wanted, see whats available, buy things you want and need, and be on your way in only a couple of minutes.

Instead, imagine thousands of bazaars. Thousands of them, because it's the only way to sell anything, and every single player on the server will have one, all parked in one zone. Remember in FFXI when you bought the last piece of armor that was up on the AH? Well lets say you're looking for that "last one" armor in FFXIV. There's no search feature, you need to look at each and every single one of those thousands of bazaars to find it. It will take you hours.

This is ridiculous right? SE needs to finish implementing their Auction House before the game goes live, right? Well.. Apparently not. SE claim that their new bazaar clusterfuck is "equivalent" to an Auction House, but better because you can also seek items and get items repaired too! That's right, they think this mess is better than an Auction House.

As the article above says, it's SE's twisted "vision" that has everybody in an uproar. Bugs and laggy controls can be fixed. But if SE ignores huge 100 page threads on their own feedback forums saying something is very wrong, and finally replies with "it's how we want it, it's not going to change." Well there's just no hope for us.

All of this could be fixed, probably very easily so, but SE ignored the cries of everyone for months, and finally responded with not wanting to change any of it. The game really needs SE to realise how ridiculously stubborn they're being, and then delayed and given another couple months in the oven, but by the sounds of "Open Beta" they intend to launch the game as it is in 4 weeks.

SE are going to have a huge backlash if they release the game without changing their attitude.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:40 am 
Fishwader Miramblix
Fishwader Miramblix
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Seriously, I've been looking forward to this game for a long time. If this game isn't drastically different I will not be playing. That makes me almost get teary-eyed, too.


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:26 am 
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I agree with everything ket said above.

The game itself has a lot of small annoying glitches that can be fixed easily. but yet nothing is happening. classes are unbalanced, controls suck ass, and the whole fatigue/guildleve nerf makes it a pain in the ass to level.

I agree at the start of beta 3 we were leveling a bit too quickly, but now u barely notice a change, even last night when we had close to 10 people i believe and set on legion (hardest)
difficulty i barely noticed a difference in xp.

Here is an example.
Ket, Yarr, and myself are the highest lvls in our Linkshell, Ket is 17 I beleive, yarr 18, myself 18 as well. everyone else was in the 10's give or take a few levels.

Now we are doing our LQ's on highest difficulty, and our game plan goes something like this. since ket is a gladiator (tank) with provoke, im a pugilist with taunt and high evasion. each one of us would grab a mob and tank it. the rest of the group would either focus or split depending on what we were fighting. well here lies the problem, everyone seems to be getting more hate than us two. Yarr can do alot of burst damage but we can't keep mobs off of him if he uses a simple spell like cure. mobs are running around one shoting our mages, targeting something u want on the first try is almost impossible. we can target mobs to get off mages, and mages cant target us fast enough to heal us. Needless to say it was big disaster, don't get me wrong it was a lot of fun but its not something i would wanna see on a daily basis.

Every melee class has a lvl 1 weapon which you cant upgrade because they removed all the higher lvl weapons from npc to encourage crafters. which is nice and dandy if crafting mats and crystals weren't so hard to get. recipes for a lot of the armor/weapons heavn't been discovered and like ket said the market is a clusterfuck, took me and him 4 days to find him a shield (which looks like a basket cover as someone said in LS) so he could tank.

**side note ket i saw someone finally made a rank 8 blade late last night so i bought it, we'll see how it compares to the current one you got**

anyways, a lot of these issues can be fixed quiet easily, and on time for release, others not so much, main reason being SE refuses to.


Last edited by Colossos on Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:28 am 
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i'm not too worried. there are a dozen or so things i wish they'd fix, but i'm sure they'll fix it either by the time the game is released or within 1 or 2 or 3 patches afterwards. i think people are so stuck in their ways and used to ffxi that anything different irks them more than it should. they are legitimate gripes, but like i said, it will be fixed in order to be playable and enjoyable.

RIP Shiloh - I'll never forget ya

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:34 am 
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Whisp wrote:
i'm not too worried. there are a dozen or so things i wish they'd fix, but i'm sure they'll fix it either by the time the game is released or within 1 or 2 or 3 patches afterwards. i think people are so stuck in their ways and used to ffxi that anything different irks them more than it should. they are legitimate gripes, but like i said, it will be fixed in order to be playable and enjoyable.

I'm sure in time they will, and for those that aren't in the beta, the game is a lot of fun, for me at least. the combat system itself is something new, and i love it, it keeps you on your toes all the time. i have never gotten bored playing it, even in beta there is a lot of things u get to do. From crafting to exploring, and the story line itself is great. I just wish SE would listen to us a bit more.


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:41 am 
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I'm sure things will be fixed "eventually" of course, because right now people don't want to play and are quitting and they're not even paying for it yet!

But I'm not sure "eventually" is going to work. The huge wave of potential players will come when the game launches. If the game is crap at launch, those people will leave quickly (after the free trial) and are gone forever (probably to Cataclysm). Fixing the game in 6 months for the PS3 launch is fine and dandy but not if it kills the PC player base (which is likely to be the majority of players) in the process.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:50 am 
Star-Spangled Subligar
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Yeah it really feels like SE is rushing the PC launch just to get out before Cataclysm. It seems like they are trying to get the game ready before the PS3 launch. The PC launch is going to feel like a beta.

Most games have a feeling of being a beta on day one, but this is over the top.

Mind you, Im still going to play. So far this beta has been shit, but having everyone together on the same server has been awesome. Even though the Levequest events have been a total mess of people dying and client crashing, its be fun. I mean seriously, Corwin, stop dying lol.

I gotta go lay back down, Im sick as hell.

RIP Shiloh

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:00 am 
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All they have to do is put flying Chocobos in the game and everyone will be happy again.

Seriously, how can SE in this day and age where MMO's are at each others throats for market share come out with this...well disaster. Ever since the game was announced, I was sooo looking forward to FFXIV, but damn, is this the best they can come up with? With other MMO pre-release, theres all this discussion on game play and classes etc, with FFXIV the first discussions was if your PC could even handle the game and many people had to upgrade their PC's just to run the BENCHMARK! Then comes beta... sure we were expecting lag and glitches and so on, but I`m sure even the most diehard FF fans werent ready for what was waiting for them when they logged on, I sure wasnt. Simpe things like the UI need some big redoing. I have been having a good time so far as it`s all new and the LS is great, which IMO is what makes a game fun to play, but how will it have staying power if some serious issues aren`t resolved is a concern. Anybody know what the Japanese fan base is saying? Are they happy with it?


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:08 am 
Emo Immolator
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Once it kicks in, you basically fail every single synth and break every single gathering node after one swing.

holy jeebus that's rough, didn't realize that.

Mind you, Im still going to play. So far this beta has been shit, but having everyone together on the same server has been awesome

And this. Playing with everyone again as been a blast. I've really been enjoying myself. I'm pretty confident that they'll get something playable out the door late September, but it will feel like a beta probably until the PS3 release. I think it's pretty telling that the release dates are as staggered as they are. An mmo crashing a console is no good, haha

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:26 am 
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Milamber wrote:
Seriously, I've been looking forward to this game for a long time. If this game isn't drastically different I will not be playing. That makes me almost get teary-eyed, too.

I feel the same way. I've bought and built two computers for this game, and I don't really play other computer games. This game was supposed to be something you can play when you have some time (which I don't, since graduating and now working full time). But it seems like it's going to be almost unplayable no matter how much or little time you put in.

I really hope they get things straightened out before retail, and for some reason I'm still hopeful.

[In Yarr we trust.]
Yarr wrote:
Ulgokiem sounds like the name of an anal STD. Why anyone even listens to that douche bag is beyond me.

Ponuh wrote:
i love how half of this thread is about racism in america and the other half is pictures of kittens

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:56 am 
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i just don't want this to be another DAoC where several months into it is when they started to change things, but it was already a little too late and look at where it's at now.

But as Yarr said just the experience with the linkshell and discovering new things is well worth it. figuring out which mobs aggro in hollow was fun, especially after i found out those mobs do not like me at all.

I had and still do have high hopes for this game.


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:56 am 
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Guys was there a beta verson in FF11 and how long did it last before it came out for pc verson? Just seeing if there was any diffence from FF11 to FF14 beta time.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:03 am 
Star-Spangled Subligar
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Caduceus wrote:
Mind you, Im still going to play. So far this beta has been shit, but having everyone together on the same server has been awesome

And this. Playing with everyone again as been a blast. I've really been enjoying myself. I'm pretty confident that they'll get something playable out the door late September, but it will feel like a beta probably until the PS3 release. I think it's pretty telling that the release dates are as staggered as they are. An mmo crashing a console is no good, haha

Yeah, I'll be playing just for the sake of having fun. Lets face it, we had an awesome run in FFXI. I dont feel like I need to test my limits like before. I just want to have fun and make fun of kayne's asstits.

I look forward to bitching about how long Cad made his stupid last name.

RIP Shiloh

Last edited by Yarr on Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:12 am 
Eater of cow souls

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meh, i'll play it and stick with it. i'm sure i'll still find it enjoyable, and 6 months to a year from now it will be a completely different game.

if i'm not mistaken, ffxi had a shitty release too (probably not as buggy as this one, but still), we just never saw it because it released in NA with the first expansion and new level cap.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:14 am 
Fishwader Miramblix
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NPC Bazaars! No AH! I'm still in shock. Those jerks better get their shit together in the next month.


Last edited by Milamber on Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:14 am 
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Pantherxx wrote:
Guys was there a beta verson in FF11 and how long did it last before it came out for pc verson? Just seeing if there was any diffence from FF11 to FF14 beta time.

im not really sure i cant recall, but i believe it was a lot more than this one. i remember years ago people posting screen shots at the end of the beta with afs and stuff guessing the amount of time it took back in the day, im sure it was a lot. i could be wrong tho.

in this beta i have never seen anyone over lvl 20.


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:19 am 
Emo Immolator
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One thing I'm surprised people haven't bitched about more is an option to sort your inventory. It just seems like a really basic thing that's missing; it couldn't be that hard to implement.

Yarr wrote:
I look forward to bitching about how long Cad made his stupid last name.

You just can't understand its magnificence!

(I think I might shorten it to Deus so people will use /tells to talk to me again.)

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Last edited by Caduceus on Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:25 am 
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i hope they make sending tells easier because ppl like cad and pam gonna make it really hard to send tells to


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:32 am 
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Ultimatewarrior wrote:
Anybody know what the Japanese fan base is saying? Are they happy with it?

Actually, if I recall correctly, during an interview it was hinted at the Japanese players basically don't complain about stuff. Which is probably why nothing is getting fixed and changed.

I doubt it's because they don't notice the issues, they're probably just too polite to actually complain about it. Different culture *(I'm an expert) and all that.

(* Kudos if you get the obscure joke here, honor and shame are huge parts of it.)

Last edited by Ketrebu on Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:36 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:34 am 
Eater of cow souls

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Ketrebu wrote:
Ultimatewarrior wrote:
Anybody know what the Japanese fan base is saying? Are they happy with it?

Actually, if I recall correctly, during an interview it was hinted at the Japanese players basically don't complain about stuff. Which is probably why nothing is getting fixed and changed.

I doubt it's because they don't notice the issues, they're probably just too polite to actually complain about it. Different culture *(I'm an expert) and all that.

(* Kudos if you get the obscure joke here, honor and shame are huge parts of it.)

who even drinks milk out of a glass like that


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:56 am 
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Colossos wrote:
Pantherxx wrote:
Guys was there a beta verson in FF11 and how long did it last before it came out for pc verson? Just seeing if there was any diffence from FF11 to FF14 beta time.

im not really sure i cant recall, but i believe it was a lot more than this one. i remember years ago people posting screen shots at the end of the beta with afs and stuff guessing the amount of time it took back in the day, im sure it was a lot. i could be wrong tho.

in this beta i have never seen anyone over lvl 20.

FFXI Originally announced in January 2000 at the Yokohama Millennium Conference, there was a great deal of negative press
Japan Beta: Aug 2001
Japan Open Beta: Dec 2001
Japan release Playstation: May 16, 2002
Japan release Windows: Nov, 2002
N/A Windows release Oct 28, 2003
N/A PS2 release May 24, 2004

I dont think there was a NA beta

Last edited by Ultimatewarrior on Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:00 pm 
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I was looking for that info, but no luck. thx hehe. i did come across a lot of na players reminiscing about the old days and post pictures of their beta kits with the cds and everything. it could be the JP version.


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:04 pm 
Emo Immolator
Emo Immolator
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Where are FFXIV devs posting about not having auction houses and their game design choices?

I dont think there was a NA beta

There was a NA beta. Pretty sure Yarr has a bunch of screenshots. Or at least I remember the lv.80 Koenig armor a GM was wearing.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:07 pm 
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Ultimatewarrior wrote:
Japan Beta: Aug 2001
Japan Open Beta: Dec 2001
Japan release Playstation: May 16, 2002
Japan release Windows: Nov, 2002
N/A Windows release Oct 28, 2003
N/A PS2 release May 24, 2004

Worth pointing out here, it looks as though FFXI got pretty much an entire year in beta.

FFXIV has gotten half that, but definately feels like it needs the full year FFXI got.

Really does feel like they're rushing to beat Cataclysm.

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