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 Post subject: Patch 2.35 "Abridged Notes"
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:39 am 
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Patch 2.35 brings a multitude of additions and refinements to Eorzea, including new beast tribe quests, colored plumage for chocobo companions, changes to the Hunt and spiritbonding, and more!

Playable Content

Ixal Beast Tribe Quests Have Been Added

Unlike previous beast tribe quests, players will be required to craft various items in order to progress through the story.
With the addition of the Ixal beast tribe quests, a new beast tribe settlement and vendor has been added to the North Shroud. The wares offered by the Ixali vendor can be purchased with Ixali Oaknots, a new form of currency.

North Shroud (X:24 Y:22) - Ehcatl

Following the addition of the Ixal settlement, graphics for the locations below have been adjusted as follows:.

The entrance near Ehcatl in the North Shroud (X:24 Y:22) has been adjusted.

The gates in Natalan at Coerthas central highlands (X:32 Y:22) now open, allowing players to enter.

New mounts have been added.
New minions have been added:

New achievements and titles have been added.
Achievement Requirements Reward
Bird Is the Word I Attain rank 1 reputation (neutral) with the Ehcatl Nine.
Bird Is the Word II Attain rank 3 reputation (friendly) with the Ehcatl Nine.
Bird Is the Word III Attain rank 5 reputation (respected) with the Ehcatl Nine.
That's Ixal, Folks Attain rank 7 reputation (sworn) with the Ehcatl Nine. Title: Ehcatl Blackguard

Beast Tribe Main Quests:
Quest Required Level and Location

A Bad Bladder Level 1
New Gridania (X:9 Y:11)
NPC: Scarlet
Players must first complete the main scenario quest "In Pursuit of the Past."

Reaching for Cloud Nine Disciple of the Hand level 1
North Shroud (X:24 Y:23)
NPC: Sezul Totoloc
Players must first complete the beast tribe quest "A Bad Bladder."

A Designer Job Disciple of the Hand level 2
North Shroud (X:24 Y:23)
NPC: Sezul Totoloc
Players must first complete the beast tribe quest "Reaching for Cloud Nine."

The Boy from Gridania Disciple of the Hand level 3
North Shroud (X:24 Y:23)
NPC: Tataramu
Players must first complete the beast tribe quest "A Designer Job."

Lathe to the Party Disciple of the Hand level 4
North Shroud (X:24 Y:23)
NPC: Sezul Totoloc
Players must first complete the beast tribe quest "The Boy from Gridania."

Standing at the Helm Disciple of the Hand level 5
North Shroud (X:24 Y:23)
NPC: Tataramu
Players must first complete the beast tribe quest "Lathe to the Party."

Never Be Royal Disciple of the Hand level 6
North Shroud (X:24 Y:23)
NPC: Sezul Totoloc
Players must first complete the quest "Standing at the Helm."

Spread Your Wings and Soar Disciple of the Hand level 7
North Shroud (X:24 Y:23)
NPC: Sezul Totoloc
Players must first complete the beast tribe quest "Never Be Royal. "


Side Quests
Beast tribe sidequests can be accessed after completing the following main quest:

Ixal – Reaching for Cloud Nine
In addition to normal daily quests, players can also undertake delivery quests from the Ixal tribe. Three normal daily quests and one delivery quest will be available for each reputation rank every day (Earth time).
* Inclusive of those issued by other beast tribes, players can only accept a maximum of six quests per day.

Daily Beast Tribe Quests
The Ehcatl Nine, a group of outcast Ixal, labor to build the airship Dezul Qualan so that they can return to the Ixal's lost paradise. Adventurers will be called upon to aid them by crafting the necessary components.

Delivery Quests
As the name suggests, delivery quests differ from normal story quests in that to complete them, players must delivery various requested items. You will earn quota points for each item submitted during a delivery quest. Only by earning enough points will you meet your quota and complete the quest.

The quota which must be met to complete the quest will change depending on your reputation. Please be advised that your quota will increase if your reputation rises while undertaking a delivery quest.

A list of requested items can be viewed by selecting Timers located under Duty in the main menu, which will be renewed daily at 8:00 a.m. (PDT) (Earth Time). Please be aware that changes to the list may render certain items undeliverable until a later time.

Upon completing a delivery quest, players will be awarded experience points to the Disciple of the Hand class associated with the quest item. The class is indicated via icons on the list of request items in the Ehcatl Nine Delivery Quests window of the Timers interface.

A maximum of one delivery quest can be undertake per day (Earth time). Upon either completing or abandoning a quest, you must wait until the next day before a new quest becomes available. In the event a delivery quest is abandoned, daily quest allowances will not be refunded.


Crafting for Ixal Quests

In order to craft the items required for Ixal quests, players must make use of special crafting facilities. After obtaining the required materials in the course of the quest, the player must then present them to the workshop supervisor before using their crafting facilities. After preparing the workspace, the supervisor will then furnish you with the exact amount of materials required for your task, and you will be granted access to the facility for a limited amount of time.
* If time runs out in the middle of synthesis, that attempt will be deemed a failure.

In addition to the special crafting facilities, players must also equip a pair of Ehcatl wrist gloves, which can be acquired early in the course of the main quests. With the Ehcatl wrist gloves equipped, select the recipe designated by your quest from the Beast Tribe section under Special Recipes in your crafting log to begin synthesis.
* Players must also fulfill quest requirements before they can begin crafting the abovementioned beast tribe recipe items.

In the event you run out of time, your synthesis fails, or the item quality is not that requested by the quest giver, speak with the workshop supervisor to receive additional materials and resume your crafting attempt.


Allied beast tribe quests have been added

In order to undertake allied beast tribe quests, players must complete all available main quests for each beast tribe.

Quest Required Level and Location
Call of the Wild (Maelstrom) Disciple of War or Magic level 50
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:12 Y:12)
NPC: Trachraet
Players must first complete all main quests for each beast tribe.

Call of the Wild (Twin Adder) Disciple of War or Magic level 50
New Gridania (X:9 Y:11)
NPC: Scarlet
Players must first complete all main quests for each beast tribe.

Call of the Wild (Immortal Flames) Disciple of War or Magic level 50
Ul’dah – Steps of Nald (X:8 Y:9)
NPC: Mimio Mio
Players must first complete all main quests for each beast tribe.

Little Sylphs Lost Disciple of War or Magic level 50
New Gridania (X:10 Y:11)
NPC: Gavin
Players must first complete the quest "Call of the Wild" for any of the three Grand Companies.

Clutching at Straws Disciple of War or Magic level 50
East Shroud (X:21 Y:26)
NPC: Voyce
Players must first complete the quest "Little Sylphs Lost."

Digging for Answers Disciple of War or Magic level 50
Western La Noscea (X:16 Y:22)NPC: Novv
NPC: Novv
Players must first complete the quest "Clutching at Straws."

Rattled in Ehcatl Disciple of War or Magic level 50
Outer La Noscea (X:21 Y:18)
NPC: Skaetswys
Players must first complete the quest "Digging for Answers."

Ash Not What Your Brotherhood Can Do for You Disciple of War or Magic level 50
North Shroud (X:24 Y:23)
NPC: Tataramu
Players must first complete the quest "Rattled in Ehcatl."

Friends Forever Disciple of War or Magic level 50
Southern Thanalan (X:23 Y:14)
NPC: Hamujj Gah
Players must first complete the quest "Ash Not What Your Brotherhood Can Do for You."


Treasure Hunt

Leather buried treasure maps now yield elemental clusters instead of shards.


Grand Companies

The following have been added to the list of items requested for expert delivery missions:
  • Weapons awarded from primal battles (item level 60, 70, 75, and 80)
  • Accessories awarded from the Ultima Weapon battle (item level 80)
  • Gear awarded from the Labyrinth of the Ancients (item level 80)
  • Rewards issued in exchange for behemoth horns or Odin's mantles (item level 50)
  • Gear issued in exchange for Allagan tomestones of mythology (item level 90)
  • PvP gear exchanged for Wolf Marks (item level 70 and 90)

Coinciding with the above adjustments, the abovementioned items can now be sold to NPC vendors.

The option to undertake supply and provisioning missions is now the first option to appear in the query window when speaking with the personnel officer at your respective Grand Company's headquarters.

A confirmation window will now be displayed before leaving a free company or discharging a free company member.

Free company members can now be discharged even if they have purchased private chambers or have stabled a chocobo.

In the event a player discharged from a free company has purchased a private chamber, rights to said private chamber will be relinquished automatically, and any furnishings held within will be removed. Furthermore, any chocobo stabled by players discharged from a free company will also be removed automatically.

Chocobos automatically removed from chocobo stables will only retain changes to their name and feather color since the last time they were stabled. Any experience points gained through training since the last time they were stabled will be lost.

* Further details on changing chocobo feather color will be outlined below.

When discharged from a free company, any furnishings held within private chambers will be entrusted to the Residential Caretaker NPC. However, certain furnishings cannot be restored once they have been placed within an estate or private chambers. To retrieve items placed within private chambers, players must speak with the Residential Caretaker NPC within 35 days (Earth time). Failure to do so will result in the loss of any furnishings entrusted to the NPC. Remaining time to reclaim furnishings can be confirmed by selecting Timers located under Duty in the main menu.

Chocobos automatically removed from an estate's chocobo stable will be entrusted to the Housing Enthusiast NPC.

The option to purchase private chambers will now appear at the bottom of the query window when accessing the interface to move to private chambers.



The following items can now be grown via gardening:
Xelphatol Apple / Doman Pum / Mamook Pear / Valfruit / O'Ghomoro Berries / Cieldalaes Pineapple / Han Lemon

The appearance of plants for the following seeds has been changed:
Onion Prince Seeds / Eggplant Knight Seeds / Garlic Jester Seeds / King Tomato Seeds / Mandragora Queen Seeds


Chocobo "Dyes"

Players can now feed stabled chocobos snacks.

The option Feed my chocobo has been added to the Chocobo Stable interface under Tend to My Chocobo. By selecting this option, players can feed their chocobo any of the following fruits:

Xelphatol Apple / Doman Pum / Mamook Pear / Valfruit / O'Ghomoro Berries / Cieldalaes Pineapple

Once fed, a chocobo's plumage will change in six hours (Earth time).
  • The chocobo's plumage will change color depending on the fruit it was fed.
  • After the chocobo's plumage changes color, feeding it a Han lemon will restore their plumage to their original yellow hue. Unlike other fruits, the chocobo's plumage will change immediately upon inspecting the chocobo stable a second time.
  • No change will occur if chocobos are removed from the stable prematurely. It is recommended to feed them during times when the chocobo can be left stabled for extended periods, such as prior to logging out for the day.\


Other Chocobo Changes

The Chocobo Stable interface has been adjusted as follows:

The option Rename my chocobo has been added.

Players can now use subcommands to view details of other free company members' chocobos.
In the event a chocobo can no longer receive experience from training, its rank will now appear in orange.

A star will now appear next to a chocobo's rank in the Companion interface for every rank gained past the initial level cap.
This change will make it easier to discern when your chocobo has reached the rank cap.


Weather NPC

A Skywatcher NPC is now available in every major region.
By speaking with a skywatcher, he or she will inform you of current weather conditions for all regions, as well as forecasts for the next eight, sixteen, and twenty-four hours.

Skywatcher NPCs can be found at the following locations:
  • Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X:9 Y:11)
  • New Gridania (X:10 Y:11)
  • Ul'dah – Steps of Nald (X:8 Y:9)
  • Coerthas – Camp Dragonhead (X:26 Y:16)
  • Mor Dhona – Revenant's Toll (X:21 Y:8)


Hunt Changes

Regular mark bills have been adjusted as follows:
  • Regular mark bills that awarded 1 allied seal will now award 4 allied seals upon completion.
  • Regular mark bills that awarded 2 allied seals will now award 10 allied seals upon completion.

Elite mark bills, as well as rank B elite marks, have been adjusted as follows:
  • The respawn time of rank B elite marks has been changed to five seconds.
  • The HP of rank B elite marks has been reduced so that they can be defeated by a single player.
  • In conjunction with the above HP reduction, the minimum contribution required to complete elite mark bills has been lowered.
  • Rank B elite marks have been changed from aggressive to passive.
  • Rank B elite marks will no longer yield rewards upon defeat.
  • Upon defeating a rank B elite mark, players will only receive the reward granted by the elite mark bill in their possession.
  • In conjunction with the above change, the number of Allied Seals awarded by elite mark bills has been increased from 20 to 50 seals.
  • All players will now be assigned a different weekly elite mark.

New items are available from the Hunt Billmaster.
  • Xelphatol Apple Seeds Gardening 15
  • Doman Plum Pits Gardening 15
  • Mamook Pear Seeds Gardening 15
  • Valfruit Seeds Gardening 15
  • O'Ghomoro Berry Seeds Gardening 15
  • Cieldalaes Pineapple Seeds Gardening 15
  • Han Lemon Seeds Gardening 15


PVP Changes

Actions and traits have been adjusted as follows:
Class/Job Action/Trait Adjustment
Melee DPS Fetter Ward ・Recast time has been reduced from 150 to 120 seconds.
・Enhanced Fetter Ward recast time reduction enhancement has been changed from 120 to 90 seconds.
Gladiator /
Paladin Glory Slash 10y knockback effect has been added.
Pugilist /
Monk Axe Kick ・Potency has been increased from 160 to 170.
・Enhanced Axe Kick II potency increase has been changed from 190 to 200.
Somersault ・Potency has been increased from 160 to 180
・Spell speed reduction additional effect duration has been increased from 10 to 12 seconds.
・Somersault now grants the effect of Perfect Balance for 3 seconds.
・Enhanced Somersault II now also extends the duration of Perfect Balance to 6 seconds.
Lancer /
Dragoon Impulse Rush Potency has been increased from 200 to 240.
Skewer Potency has been increased from 180 to 220.
Archer /
Bard Blast Shot Range has been reduced from 25y to 5y.
/ Black Mage Lethargy Effect duration has been reduced from 12 to 6 seconds (PvP only).
Freeze Additional effect duration has been reduced from 15 to 12 seconds (PvP only).
Arcanist /
Summoner /
Scholar Aetherflow Skills such as One Ilm Punch or Glory Slash can now remove any remaining stacks of Aetherflow on a selected target.

The Carteneau Flats: Borderline Ruins has been adjusted as follows:
To better ensure the outcome of a match is determined after the halfway point, the spawning time of interceptor nodes has been adjusted.
The HP of interceptor drones and interceptor nodes has been increased.
Players can now use vote dismiss when incapacitated.
* This change will not be applied to dungeons or raids.
The effects of glamour prisms will now be applied to gear when used in the Wolves' Den or Frontline.


Crystal Tower Alliances

Players can now form an alliance prior to undertaking the Labyrinth of the Ancients or Syrcus Tower.
Forming an Alliance

After forming a full party (eight players), target the leader of another full party, then select Invite to Alliance from the subcommand menu. Once invited, a notification window will be displayed.

Alliance invitations can also be sent via the Player Search interface, Friend List, or Free Company interface.

Please note that the leaders of each party in the alliance must be in the same area before registering for duty.

After inviting the first party to an alliance, a confirmation window will be displayed, allowing you to confirm the status of the alliance.

Registering for Duty as an Alliance

After meeting the following conditions, the leader of Party 1 can register for duty on behalf of the alliance
  • A full alliance of 24 members (three parties of eight) has been formed.
  • The leaders of all participating parties are in the same area.
  • NOTE: Composition requirements are not imposed upon preformed alliances.

The duty will commence when all players have selected Commence.

The alliance registration will be withdrawn in case of the following:
  • A party leader leaves the area.
  • A party changes leaders.
  • A party member logs out.
  • A party member leaves the party.
  • A party is disbanded.
  • The Cancel All button is pressed.
  • A party withdraws from the alliance.
  • NOTE: In the event the alliance registration has been withdrawn, registration for duty will be canceled even if party members have selected Commence.



New Items have been added
View the new items.

To increase the availability of magicked stable brooms, the following adjustments have been made:

The recipe for magicked stable broom has been adjusted as follows (Makes 30):
Bamboo Stick x5
Wind Cluster
Ice Cluster

When placed on estate grounds, the Junkmonger NPC will now sell magicked stable brooms for 20,000 gil.

The following items can now be dyed:
Guardian Corps Coat / Guardian Corps Gauntlets / Guardian Corps Skirt / Guardian Corps Boots / Bohemian's Coat / Bohemian's Gloves / Bohemian's Trousers / Bohemian's Boots / Thug's Mug

Certain previously unsellable items can now be sold.


Spirit Binding (The Arturia Nerf)

In order to address the issue of players undertaking a duty and then equipping gear lower than the required item level for the purpose of spirit bonding, the following adjustments have been made:
  • The rate at which gear gains spiritbond will now be reduced when gear is not the appropriate level for a given duty or open-world encounter. Furthermore, if the item level of gear is too high or too low, it will no longer gain spiritbond.

Rubelite Ring (item level 49)

The ring will gain spiritbond at a reduced rate in duties such as the Labyrinth of the Ancients and Pharos Sirius, but will gain spiritbond at an increased rate in duties such as Castrum Meridianum and Wanderer's Palace.

Following the above changes to spiritbond gain, the probability of converting gear item level 70 or above into grade IV materia will now vary depending on the item level of the gear converted.


Misc. (Tired of formatting this stuff)

Sore Thumb Complete the quest "Friends Forever." Title: The Negotiator

Retainer ventures have been adjusted as follows:
The number of elemental shards obtained from retainer ventures has been increased.
The rate of acquisition for Minute Mindflayer from Field Exploration XIII has been reduced, and the rate of acquisition for all other items has been increased.
Items that can only be obtained by retainers who have attained a certain item level (Disciple of War or Magic) or gathering rating (Disciple of the Land) have been added to Quick Exploration.

Only the notification window will be displayed when initiating vote abandon.
The calculation for average wait times in the Duty Finder has been adjusted as follows:
Party members will no longer affect calculations for average wait times.
Queues for Frontline will now display the average wait time for your affiliated Grand Company.

New emotes have been added.
  • Pet (/pet)
  • Hand Over (/handover)

Certain emotes have been adjusted as follows (Sorry Fado!):
Your character's height in relation to that of your target will now be used to determine how the emote is executed when used to interact with other targets. As of patch 2.35, the Poke, Pet, and Hand Over emotes have been affected by this change.

Please note, however, that emote adjustments will not be made when sitting, mounted, or when no target is selected.

New phrases have been added to the auto-translation dictionary.
Category Entry
Reasons I seem to have misplaced my keyboard.
Facilities docks
Facilities ferry docks
Facilities airship landing
Facilities Maelstrom Command
Facilities The Adders' Nest
Facilities The Hall of Flames
Facilities residential district
Facilities entry counter
Facilities Hunt board
Facilities skywatcher
System weather report


 Post subject: Re: Patch 2.35 "Abridged Notes"
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:02 am 
Meat Miq'abob
Meat Miq'abob
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I welcome all these new changes :D

Take my hand, brave adventurer. We face this dungeon together - with FRIENDSHIP!

 Post subject: Re: Patch 2.35 "Abridged Notes"
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:09 am 
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Yah. 7 fruits. One restores the yellow color, the other 6 behaves as RGB, either strengthening, or weakening, a particular color.

So while at first I thought we'd only see chocobos of 7 colors, it looks like you can make a wide variety of different plumage, slowly dyed 6 hours at a time.

The SBing nerf is gonna suck for people who like to wear it in coil (oops) and expert roulettes. At least level 50ish stuff. Not bad if you're spirit binding 2-star stuff, I suppose. On the other hand, crafting the i90 stuff could yield a way more likely chance of getting those delicious Water IV materias.

Pretty annoyed we have even more of a demand on the gardening plots, though.


 Post subject: Re: Patch 2.35 "Abridged Notes"
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:30 pm 
Honey Muffin
Honey Muffin
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im hoping the materia changes will equate to more grade 4 being produced but otherwise it sounds like its going to be really hard to get lesser materia im a bit worried about how this will work. also kinda confused about how chocobo dying will work. surprised they didnt put up an image

 Post subject: Re: Patch 2.35 "Abridged Notes"
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:35 pm 
Meat Miq'abob
Meat Miq'abob
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Kioko wrote:
im hoping the materia changes will equate to more grade 4 being produced but otherwise it sounds like its going to be really hard to get lesser materia im a bit worried about how this will work. also kinda confused about how chocobo dying will work. surprised they didnt put up an image

maybe it means that you will have to grind certain level fates to produce lower level materia?
I want to color my fat chocobo purple and name it Violet Beauregarde.

Take my hand, brave adventurer. We face this dungeon together - with FRIENDSHIP!

 Post subject: Re: Patch 2.35 "Abridged Notes"
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:50 pm 
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Well, i70 before was guaranteed tier 4, yes? Now it is not. Seems like it's a nerf to tier4 materia.

Will be interesting to see how it goes.

the fact we can't trade seeds needed for the chocobo dyes is dumb as hell IMHO. But the daily hunts will be interesting, so long as the corresponding fates don't take forever to show up.


 Post subject: Re: Patch 2.35 "Abridged Notes"
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:27 pm 
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So how many allied seals can I casually obtain without joining a hunt LS? 50ish a week? Are the regular marks a daily reset? I don't know any of this shit anymore. I efficiency for my 3 hours of playtime a week.


 Post subject: Re: Patch 2.35 "Abridged Notes"
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:29 pm 
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If you do only the dailies, you can get 32 seals per day. You will also get 50 seals from the weekly. That makes 274 seals per week. 3 weeks per Sands of Time if you just ride it out casually and never bother doing any of the actual hunt zerg, not too bad really.

It doesn't take long, but two of your daily hunt marks will be FATE mobs, so those FATEs will actually need to be up.

EDIT: Incidentally, if you are still carrying last week's Elite Mark Bill, you can do it for 50 seals, and immediately pick up this week's bill and do that one for another 50 seals. Did this just now. Works.

 Post subject: Re: Patch 2.35 "Abridged Notes"
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:32 pm 
Even Match
Even Match
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i for whatever they do to eliminate the hunt ls's, damn straight.


 Post subject: Re: Patch 2.35 "Abridged Notes"
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:38 pm 
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Thanks Ket!!


 Post subject: Re: Patch 2.35 "Abridged Notes"
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:51 pm 
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If they don't put some buff to the spawn rate of Hunt fates, I still don't see the fate part being worth its time. If you only have an hour to play a night, for example, standing around, waiting for Bubbling Bernie to spawn is probably not how you would want to spend that time.

That being said, the numbers of seals for the posted hunts are nice, but I'd have even further buffed the fate ones, in all honesty. Unless they end up having the spawn frequency of some of the beastmen fates.

Doing your three baby hunts and two fate hunts a night is still going to take 1-2 hours, I'd bet.


 Post subject: Re: Patch 2.35 "Abridged Notes"
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:47 pm 
Easy Prey
Easy Prey
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Man that nerf to SB is lame. Guess it's back to CM runs again for SB and wiping to bosses in that place..


 Post subject: Re: Patch 2.35 "Abridged Notes"
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:02 pm 
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I'm actually pretty okay with the change to spirit binding, to be honest.

i50 gear has always been way faster to SB at Urth's Gift than anywhere else. It will be even faster now.

i70 gear will SB faster in current expert dungeons, CT, and whatnot.

i90+ gear will be basically unaffected by the change.

This is really only a nerf to those who equipped crap gear for daily expert roulettes, and to be honest, good. Don't need you all dragging me down when I just want to get my alex map and get out of there. haha.

SB parties in Wanderer's Palace, or AK, should be a very lucrative endeavor now, since it'll be both faster than expert dungeons and give you more SB % than you were getting before.


 Post subject: Re: Patch 2.35 "Abridged Notes"
PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:48 pm 
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I shall stab my eyes out before I ever enter AK again!


 Post subject: Re: Patch 2.35 "Abridged Notes"
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:42 am 
Even Match
Even Match
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took me 30 minutes total do both Fate marks yesterday


 Post subject: Re: Patch 2.35 "Abridged Notes"
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:50 am 
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I ended up doing 2 day's worth of "daily" hunts, since I had a daily/weekly one that I had been sitting on.

3 of the 4 fates took about 10 ish minutes to wait. Nothing too terrible.

The icicle boss in Coerthas, however, was a good hour and a half. I saw multiple duplicate other fates spawn while waiting for that one. The 20/day isn't worth it, IMHO. I'd much rather join for a single A-rank kill a day if I needed seals for any particular thing. It's simply too much of a time constraint otherwise.

Of course... I also have 20 days to get 28 levels on my lalafell team before the ff13 event comes and goes for the last time, so I have a bit of a spur on my butt for getting that done. No time for camping fate bosses. haha


 Post subject: Re: Patch 2.35 "Abridged Notes"
PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:39 pm 
Easy Prey
Easy Prey
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Ridere wrote:
I'm actually pretty okay with the change to spirit binding, to be honest.

i50 gear has always been way faster to SB at Urth's Gift than anywhere else. It will be even faster now.

i70 gear will SB faster in current expert dungeons, CT, and whatnot.

i90+ gear will be basically unaffected by the change.

This is really only a nerf to those who equipped crap gear for daily expert roulettes, and to be honest, good. Don't need you all dragging me down when I just want to get my alex map and get out of there. haha.

SB parties in Wanderer's Palace, or AK, should be a very lucrative endeavor now, since it'll be both faster than expert dungeons and give you more SB % than you were getting before.

Yeah just saw your list on this seems cool. I can now get sweet ass gil as PLD. We should try to make some SB parties FC only that would be fun.


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